Your horoscope for September 8-14
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Your horoscope for September 8-14


Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond!

- (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
- Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
- You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) You may have to revise an assignment several times or finish a task sooner than expected. You may have to work longer hours, but you'll be compensated for with extra pay or reward. 

(₿) The more money you make, the more you spend. A big hospital bill is on the cards and it's not because of you. You may indulge in a small online shopping spree.  

(♥) Couples may explore a new place or activity together this weekend. An unplanned pregnancy is on the cards for unmarried couples. Don't get too experimental in the bedroom to avoid injury. 

(⚤) The first date with someone you really like is on the cards. You two hit it off and there may be some romantic moments. If you've recently been dumped, you'll finally get over it.  

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) Your main job and side hustle take over your life. However, you'll make money hand over fist. Those who know that you're a real deal will offer you job opportunities. Make hay while the sun shines and stay focused.

(₿) An acquaintance may ask if you can lend them money. You spend within budget and keep up with your savings goal. A small windfall or gift is on the cards, too. 

(♥) Couples don't get to spend much downtime together due to their busy schedules. They continue to inspire each other to improve themselves and strive for more.

(⚤) If you've never been deflowered, your first time will be quite sensational and with someone who's physically very your type. If you're getting to know two people at the same time, you'll realise who's your first choice.       

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) With more experience, you're able to finish tasks sooner and solve problems swiftly. You have no problems working on your own or as a group. A challenge may be your opportunity to shine and earn office points.

(₿) You buy what you want but you also know your spending limit. If you're embroiled in a conflict over asset ownership, you'll start to see how it would get resolved. 

(♥) Couples know when to spend time together and when to spend time on their own. Your partner doesn't ask to see your phone and vice versa. Someone may slide into your DMs even though you're already taken.

(⚤) If you've been chatting with someone online, you'll soon meet them IRL. They seem so eager to meet you, too. You may finally get over your last break-up with the help of a makeover.   

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) You may gain valuable insight because of your ability to extract and analyse data. You know how to accurately explain complicated stuff with easy-to-understand language. You have no problems meeting deadlines. 

(₿) Someone older may bring you money-making opportunities. You know how much you can spend and keep your spending under control. A financial negotiation may win in a win/win situation. 

(♥) Couples don't have romantic moments with each other at all but their bond and trust for one another remains solid. If you're stuck on something, your partner may have the answer. Lower your pride. 

(⚤) Someone slides into your DMs and you reply. However, you may soon realise that you're not into them and eventually decide to ghost them.  

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) You may earn your reputation as the pacifier at the office as you seem to know how to resolve any conflicts. You deliver in terms of productivity and quality. If you're a team leader, you know how to delegate and put the right person on the right job. 

(₿) Someone who promises to pay you keeps their word. If you're embroiled in a conflict over asset, you'll get what's rightfully yours. 

(♥) A fun and romantic activity is on the cards for couples. Soon-to-be-parents can expect a smooth delivery of their child. If you're not married, your partner may propose. 

(⚤) If you're getting to know someone, you two may become infatuated with each other and may agree to go Facebook official.  

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⏰) You become more proactive and productive next week. You may finish several tasks before their deadlines. A project that you've been working on for some time will finally be finished.

(₿) Investors get to reap higher-than-expected returns from their portfolios. If you have several debts, you may pay off one of them. 

(♥) You two may be reminded why you fell for each other in the first place while going out. Spouses may consider having another baby. 

(⚤) If you've never been kissed, your first time will be quite explosive and with a much more experienced lover. If you already have a FWB, you may gain another. 

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) Important paperwork arrives on time. Look into tools and technology and you may find a way to work smarter. If you're a team leader, one of your subordinates proves to be your right hand. 

(₿) A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. You may exceed your income goal. Your friend may have a freelance opportunity for you, if you ask them. 

(♥) Your partner may propose to you but you'll need some time to think before you can say yes or no. Your hesitancy is a sign that s/he may not be the one. Those in LDR may meet someone new. 

(⚤) If you're competing for someone's heart, you're likely to emerge victorious. If you're seeing no one, you may meet someone who comes from a different culture. Not necessarily a foreigner.    

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) Challenges await you next week and you may have to work longer hours. However, you'll be compensated with extra pay or reward. If you have to travel for work, don't bring a lot of valuable items with you. 

(₿) Your cost of living is on the rise. You pay more for your wants whether it's for entertainment or shiny new stuff. Your savings goal definitely takes a hit. 

(♥) Couples treat each other with the same respect whether in public or in private. They put more effort and time into their sexy time. Trying couples become expecting couples. 

(⚤) Whether you're trying to turn your friend into your lover or rekindle an old flame, Cupid is on your side. Someone who ghosted you may try to reconnect with you.    

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) If you're a team leader, you can earn more respect by being a good listener and empathetic to your subordinates. If you're running your family's business, you'll get promoted and be bestowed with more power. Muah ha ha.

(₿) The payment you're expecting arrives as promised but only the first half of it. Investors may have to decide to cut their losses to prevent further losses. 

(♥) Soon-to-be-parents can expect smooth delivery of their child. Friends and families will joyously welcome the new member. If you're not married, your partner may propose.

(⚤) Those who are inexperienced when it comes to dating may experience love at first sight. Someone may slide into your DMs and you know that they're taken because s/he is a friend of your friend.    

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) Someone may break their promise, resulting in a difficult situation. No matter how careful you think you are, a mistake may still happen. You may be offered a job that sounds too good to be true.

(₿) Your income may be lower than expected but you still make more than enough to cover your usual expenses. You may lose your bank book or important financial documents. 

(♥) Miscommunication and misunderstanding can happen between even the most loving couples. Someone may slide into your DMs and shower you with flattering words. 

(⚤) If you're getting to know someone, s/he seems to want to have a serious relationship with you. S/he wants to introduce you to her/his friends and family.   

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) You know how to deal with gossip, dramas and conflicts at work. Someone you suspect to be a troublemaker proves you right but you already have a plan B to deal with the mess that they cause.

(₿) Your income may be higher than expected. A big windfall is on the cards. If you have several debts, you'll pay off at least one of them. What you lost may be returned to you.   

(♥) Couples enjoy quality conversation and put more effort and time into their sexy time. If you're stuck on something, your partner may have an answer for it. 

(⚤) If you're trying to turn your friend into your lover or rekindle an old flame, you're likely to succeed because you show effort and sincerity.  

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) Regardless of where you work from, you know how to manage your energy and priorities. You can achieve better work performance if you know how to use the right tools and technology.  

(₿) You may gain a new source of income. A big money-making opportunity may be yours. Investors manage their portfolios well and reap small returns. You can see scammers a mile off.

(♥) You may discover an ugly side of your partner but decide not to call them out on it for now. You hope that it's a one-off incident and not his/her true colour.  

(⚤) Although you're officially single, that doesn't mean you don't get any action. Casual hook-up and pillow talk are on the cards.  

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