Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond.
Note:- (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life- Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol- You can also view previous ones at
♈ Aries
Mar 21 – Apr 19
(⏰) Brace yourself for intense competition and difficult situations. You feel the weight of high expectations and pressures from your supervisor and client. You may have to work with uncooperative colleagues. If you're a business owner, your best employee may be headhunted by your rival.
(₿) Money-making opportunities come your way. The payment you're waiting for will arrive as expected. Your friend may give you a gift or treat to you a dinner. Lifestyle inflation eats up your higher income. You tend to buy things without thinking too much.
(♥) A difficult situation brings you two closer as you try to figure it out together. Your love becomes stronger after it goes through the wringer. A low-key date night may turn out to be quite sexy. You two are friends and lovers to each other.
(⚤) You choose not to look for a relationship now as you put your energy and time into your career, family and your happiness. Everyone notices that you're radiating contentment and happiness.
♉ Taurus
Apr 20 – May 20
(⏰) An opportunity to meet new associates and clients is on the cards. Tap into your soft skills to make good first impressions. Regardless of where you work from, you can meet all deadlines whether they're for solo or group tasks. Your supervisor is pleased and gives you more power to make decisions without having to consult them first.
(₿) You may secure a new source of passive income. A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. You stop yourself from buying things that you don't really need. If you have debts, you may pay off at least one.
(♥) Couples agree on things that they usually disagree on. They know when it's time to spend QT together and when it's time to give each other personal space and time. They continue to be each other's sources of support and safe space. They may experience good fortune unexpectedly.
(⚤) Whether you're trying to turn your friend into your lover or rekindle an old flame, your effort and sincerity start to yield results. If you're not seeing anyone, try to be more sociable and go out with your friends more to increase your chances of finding love.
♊ Gemini
May 21 – Jun 20
(⏰) Challenging assignments land on your desk. You manage to stay highly focused and productive throughout the week. You communicate well with everyone you work with. A higher-up may be a source of inspiration and advice. An opportunity to secure a new job with higher pay is on the cards. Business owners, you may launch a new service that's well received by the public.
(₿) You can easily pay for all your bills and keep up with any mortgage or repayment obligations. You may treat yourself to a few nice things and are still on track to reach your savings goal. If you're actively looking for something you lost, it will soon be found or returned.
(♥) Couples enjoy a fun and sexy date night. They try to show both emotional and practical support for one another. They treat each other with the same respect and care whether at home or in public. Trying couples may become expecting couples. Parents, your kid will make you proud.
(⚤) A romantic spark with someone you meet through work is on the cards. However, you two may agree to see each other but don't tell anyone about it to avoid any criticism, for now. A well-intentioned friend or cousin may try to hook you up with someone with a good profile.
♋ Cancer
Jun 21 – Jul 22
(⏰) You keep yourself up to date with the latest tools and tech that can benefit your work. You deliver what you promised and colleagues respect you for that. You may be recruited to work on a project that involves people from different cultures and it'll be both personal and professional growth for you. Artists, an opportunity to collaborate with a brand or another artist who shares the same values with you is on the cards.
(₿) You may receive a small windfall or win a lucky draw. A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. You spend without your budget and keep up with your savings goal. If you have debts, you should be able to pay off at least one of them. If you're embroiled in a conflict over asset ownership, what's rightfully yours will be yours.
(♥) If you're on the outs with your partner, they will try hard to make you laugh or smile. They may even bribe you with a gift. Cross-cultural couples may face legal obstacles or have to deal with a lot of paperwork.
(⚤) A stranger finds you attractive but you're not into them at all. You and your friend may fall for the same person and it's obvious that you're preferred. Your friendship may never be the same.
♌ Leo
Jul 23 – Aug 22
(⏰) You become more proactive and productive next week. You can be a team player and also work by yourself. An opportunity that your colleagues want may be handed to you. Don't get conceited. If you recently sent out your CV, you may hear back from the company that you want to work for the most.
(₿) You feel fulfilled and happy, knowing that you're on track to achieve financial freedom. You may adjust your portfolio to reduce risks. You manage to stop yourself from buying things that you don't really need. Wishes come true for those seeking scholarships or research grants.
(♥) Couples enjoy healthier communication between them. Spouses may address a problem that exists in their relationship from day one of their marriage. Couples are each other's sources of support and inspiration. Smooth childbirth is on the cards.
(⚤) You may fancy someone in your professional circle and the feeling is mutual. However, you two agree to get to know each other in secret as you don't want to be gossiped about by your colleagues. Your ex may try to reach out to you to ask for a second chance.
♍ Virgo
Aug 23 – Sept 22
(⏰) A higher-up may task you with an important assignment. Colleagues take your opinions and suggestions seriously. A few, however, may dislike you and gossip about you. You're strong enough to channel difficulties and challenges into motivation. The best revenge is to prove haters and naysayers wrong.
(₿) If you're a rice-winner, your dependents may need more financial support than usual. You may have to pay for something that isn't in your plan but it can't wait. Don't sign to be a guarantor for someone.
(♥) A criticism about your relationship from someone in your circle may cause you two to argue. It rings true to an extent and you're bothered by it. Those in LDR may want to take a break from their relationship after meeting an admirer who lives in the same postcode.
(⚤) You meet several admirers online and IRL. However, none makes your heart flutter. You don't want to lower your expectations and settle for anyone decent enough. You want your relationship to count and seek once-in-the-lifetime love.
♎ Libra
Sept 23 – Oct 22
(⏰) Use both facts and feelings when you make decisions and you shouldn't regret anything later. Those whom you suspect to be troublemakers prove you right. You get things done more quickly while your content or campaign may succeed and surpass your expectations.
(₿) You reward yourself by buying an item off your wish list or experience that heals your soul. Whether you're trying to sell your asset or someone else's, you should be able to close the deal very soon. Someone in your friend circle may seek financial help from you.
(♥) A white lie may be told to nip an argument in the bud. You two may expect different things from your relationship and it's best to discuss them openly to find a happy medium that works for you both. Your sexy time may not be frequent but it's quite fiery every time.
(⚤) Someone tries to buy your time and affection with gifts and nice meals to no avail. You and your friend may fall for the same person and they want to get to know you both at the same time.
♏ Scorpio
Oct 23 – Nov 21
(⏰) An opportunity to show off your skills is on the cards. You're good at explaining complicated stuff through simple words. You may finish several tasks before their deadlines. If a business negotiation or job interview is coming up, it'll occur smoothly. You may be offered a new job and asked to join the new company as soon as possible.
(₿) The more money you make, the more you spend. Your monthly expenses go up in line with higher living standards. Someone in your family may try to guilt you into lending them money by bringing up past favours they did for you. Beware of investment scams. What sounds too good to be true is very likely to be a scam.
(♥) Faithful couples plan their future together, mapping out financial goals and relationship milestones. If you're two-timing, you may get caught and shame for it. You'll be forced to choose either your official or side love and, if you refuse to choose or are indecisive, you may end up with none.
(⚤) Should you decide to confess your attraction to someone, you're likely to get a yes from them. You'll learn that they have many good qualities and realise that you fancy them even more. If you've never considered yourself to be hot, a makeover may inspire self-confidence in you.
♐ Sagittarius
Nov 22 – Dec 21
(⏰) You may have to complete a task sooner than first told. You may be asked to take care of a few duties of a colleague who falls sick. You may have to work longer hours but an incentive would be offered to motivate you. Shop owners, a water leakage and energy outage may happen, disrupting your business. Someone may try to steal your secret to success.
(₿) The payment that you're waiting for should arrive as expected. Stay thrifty as you may have to pay for an emergency. If you're looking to make an investment, don't buy into fake news or misleading advertisements.
(♥) Couples put their brains together to tackle a difficult situation. They will love each other more after going through hardship together. Cross-cultural couples discuss which country should they settle in and build a family.
(⚤) You may meet someone who's physically your type and quickly realise that they have several admirers. Someone whom you had a bad break-up with may try to reconnect.
♑ Capricorn
Dec 22 – Jan 19
(⏰) You know how to multitask. Colleagues become more cooperative and fulfil your requests quicker. Important paperwork and equipment will arrive on time. You deliver what you promised. If you have a job interview or business negotiation, it'll go well. You may be offered a new job one day after the job interview.
(₿) Online communities and IRL friends bring you good opportunities. Investors get to reap higher-than-expected returns. You stick to your budget plan and grow your savings. No scammers can fool you. You may find what you lost while cleaning the house.
(♥) Romantic moments await couples as they spend more time with each other. They try to see things from each other's perspectives and are more careful with their words. Someone unaware that you're already taken may flirt with you and you can't help but feel flattered.
(⚤) Those who are inexperienced with love may experience love at first sight/swipe. They may click with someone and enjoy stimulating conversations. Those with dating experience may instantly connect with younger admirers.
♒ Aquarius
Jan 20 – Feb 18
(⏰) You may be asked to perform tasks outside your job description. Your workload becomes much heavier that you can't maintain a healthy work-life balance. If you feel down, try to focus on long-term goals. If you're a business owner, you may launch a new service that attracts new customers.
(₿) Despite freelance jobs and side hustle, your financial status remains pretty much the same, thanks to lifestyle inflation. The more money you make, the more you spend. The more things you own, the more worries you have. Don't sign on to be a guarantor for someone no matter how close they are.
(♥) Couples don't get to spend downtime together. They may argue because of different expectations they have for their relationship. A white lie may be told to prevent a disagreement. If you're about to deliver your baby, refrain from consuming exotic foods.
(⚤) You're in no hurry to be in a relationship as work and self-improvement take precedence over all. Nevertheless, you may meet an admirer through work.
♓ Pisces
Feb 19 – Mar 20
(⏰) You may almost miss a few deadlines due to unclear instructions from your supervisor or their change of mind at the last minute. Brace yourself for meetings that could have been emails. Beware of ransomware or technical errors that may cause you to lose progress on what you're working on. A miscommunication may snowball into a serious mistake if not quickly remedied.
(₿) Your professional and social circles expand. The more people you know, the more opportunities come your way. Introverts may have to turn on their extrovert switches to make good impressions. Wishes come true for those seeking scholarships or research grants.
(♥) Couples know when an argument could turn into a fight. They may visit a new place this weekend in the hope of making memories. A dream they share may come true. Someone unaware that you're already taken may slide into your DMs.
(⚤) If you're competing for someone's heart, you're likely to win this love race. Dating app users may get to meet their matches the same day after they exchange pleasantries online. Why wait? We're not getting any younger.