Reckless riders
Re: "Delivering justice to food deliverers", (Opinion, May 24).
While I agree that food deliverers should get justice, this should also include justice from the traffic police.
They are the most inconsiderate and dangerous motorcyclists on the road, having no regard for safety but only to make as many deliveries as possible.
It's probably all about money.
Ian Cruickshank
Troubles ahead
Re: "Government faces 4 economic time bombs", (Opinion, May 18).
After reading the article by economist Chartchai Parasuk, I wish nothing but the best of luck to the incoming government; it's clear that whoever is in charge will have their hands full.
Firstly, even though Thailand s household debt to GDP ratio at about 86% favours quite well in comparison to other countries such as Switzerland, which has a rate of 129%, it should be mentioned that Thailand's non-mortgaged debt to GDP ratio is among the highest in the world at over 60%, while Switzerland's is at less than 5%. Mr Chartchai makes clear that the non-mortgaged household debt to GDP ratio is the critical figure since these contain high-interest rates, while the mortgaged ratios have low-interest rates and are usually long-term. Disturbingly, it's been found that those making less than 15,000 baht per month have seen their debts increase by over 25% during the last year.
Secondly, Thailand's public debt is much higher than the official 60% figure when one considers that lots of public debt is hidden in the government books at public banks, and the full cost of such things as the Covid-relief packages have yet to be fully accounted for.
Even worse is that there's been negative excess liquidity in the economy for about the last two years and that inflation has increased by over 8% during this period without a concomitant wage increase.
No fan of religion
Re: "Malaysia seizes 'Pride' watches", (BP, May 24).
It is well-known, with millennia of evidence across cultures attesting to it, that religion reliably leads to false beliefs and moral stunting masquerading under arrogant claims of unquestionable infallibility.
Still, the sad seizure by Malaysian authorities of "Pride" watches bearing a design inspired by nature's beautiful rainbow is seriously kooky behaviour for the faith-driven as they seek to despotically impose their faith-sodden ideology on an entire society.
Sadder by far, however, is that their unreasoning intolerance and contempt for basic human rights leads ineluctably to the creation, in the name of their ruthlessly commanding gods, of all too real hell on Earth for actual human beings.
Felix Qui
Election discontent
Re: "30% not a majority", (PostBag, May 25).
Some people are still so surprised and upset by the recent election result that they are now writing letters to the newspapers to remind us that 30%, in fact, 36% is not a majority.
Really? But it's far nearer a majority than that garnered by the UTN or the BJT, who some seem to think are still relevant in Thai politics. Are we to believe that similar letters were being rushed off when the PPRP managed just 23% of the 2019 vote and when the senators showed such mind-blowing independence that all 250 voted for the same person?
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