Workers' raw deal

Re: "Govt gets tips to run economy", (BP, Nov 25).


Monday's Bangkok Post had an article about the country's economic prospects and stimulus measures and even a suggestion that removing interest payments from their debts would leave debtors with more money to spend. A few days previous, we were informed that CP Foods reported a net profit increase of 937% (almost 7,000 million baht in Q2), with 30% coming from its Thai businesses.

This leaves me feeling that the ordinary indebted Thai person with very little choice is spending their money with one main supplier, leaving them with little to spend elsewhere. The few that are not in debt, the wealthy 5% who hold large amounts of Thailand's wealth and money, now need to spend extravagantly to make up for the indebted poor. It's not going to happen, is it? This economy that needs stimulus seems to be only for the benefit of businesses, and I can see little reason why the working poor should be responsible for keeping it all afloat on their poor wages.

Steve Merchant

Justice for Bua Noi

Re: "Caged in misery", (PostBag, Nov 26) & "Forget me not", (Online photo, Nov 24).

Gorillas share 98.3% of their DNA with homo sapiens, just 0.3% behind chimpanzees, who share 98.6% of their DNA with homo sapiens. These are both less than 2% different from what makes us what we are.

This means that gorillas are our second cousins.

Despite this close relationship, a wealthy Thai owner of a shopping complex has chosen to keep a gorilla imprisoned behind bars for nearly 40 years. It has committed no crime but has suffered day after day in a small enclosure, being gawked at by his homo sapien cousins.

If Bua Noi had just 1.7% more of our DNA, this family would be charged with serious crimes, including unlawful incarceration, deprivation of liberty, and yes, torture.

Bua Noi cannot speak for itself. So I join Rose Bellini in calling for justice to be done and for this sentient being to be released into an open-air environment (it is too late to return her to the wild). Bua Noi's owners have ignored all previous calls for her release, so let us call on government agencies concerned with the welfare of animals to investigate the circumstances of this imprisonment.

David Brown

Unserious theories

Re: "When trust crumbles", (PostBag, Nov 21) & "RFK Jr could destroy modern public health", (Opinion, Nov 19).

I thought perhaps I could answer S De Jong's worries about the "deafening silence regarding excess deaths, turbo cancers and other health problems since the introduction of Covid mRNA vaccines". It might be that these theories are not serious, so no medical professionals would waste time on them.

Tarquin Chufflebottom

Wrestling fakery?

Re: "Will Trump protect women or predators?", (Opinion, Nov 26).

Teachers are always wrestling with their students to get them under control, and sometimes not successfully, but who can help them?

Donald Trump has solved this problem by appointing Linda McMahon, a former professional wrestling executive, to the role of Education Secretary, although she has little experience in the area. Maybe Hulk Hogan can be the Discipline Master, given that very few people can ever beat him.

Then, each school will get an ex-wrestler, and there are a lot of them, to maintain a code of self-discipline and improve the education of their students.

Of course, there are some people who believe wrestling is fake, but they probably also believe political promises are fake.

Dennis Fitzgerald
26 Nov 2024 26 Nov 2024
28 Nov 2024 28 Nov 2024


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