First 8 rescued boys all in good condition

Dr Jessada Chokdamrongsuk (centre), permanent secretary for health, briefs the media on the condition of the first eight boys brought out of flooded Tham Luang cave, at Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital in Chiang Rai province on Tuesday. (AFP photo)
Dr Jessada Chokdamrongsuk (centre), permanent secretary for health, briefs the media on the condition of the first eight boys brought out of flooded Tham Luang cave, at Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital in Chiang Rai province on Tuesday. (AFP photo)

CHIANG RAI: All eight boys extracted from flooded Tham Luang cave in Mae Sai district were in good condition on Tuesday morning after some were treated for low temperatures and suspected lung infection, the Public Health Ministry said.

Dr Jessada Chokdamrongsuk, permanent secretary for health, told reporters at Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital that upon their arrival there the eight young footballers were given a medical examination and received nutrients, vitamins, vaccines and antibiotics.

The first four, aged 14-16, who were brought out on Sunday, had low body temperatures. They were given warmth. Two of them were diagnosed with lung infection and one of them had a scrape on his right ankle.

On Tuesday morning all of them had normal body temperatures and were able to perform their everyday routines.

They were initially all placed on a special diet, despite one asking for fried pork with Thai basil. They had no problems eating a meal because they had already been given food gel by rescuers in the cave.

The second group of four boys, aged 12-14, also arrived at the hospital with low body temperatures. One of them was very low and had an unusually low pulse. After being treated, all were in good condition on Tuesday morning, Dr Jessada said

All the boys were in good psychological condition, were able to talk and none had a fever. However, their white blood cell counts were initially high and doctors were waiting for results of laboratory tests, due in a few days, to learn if they had contracted any disease. 

The first four boys had already met their families through windows.

Dr Jessada said their initially low temperatures might result from the boys having been trapped without food and in a damp area, and having dived for long periods on their way out. 

"The boys are frequently hungry because their bodies need food... This morning the first four boys asked for bread and chocolate spread... They are athletes, so their bodies resist illness well... They are still on saline drips because doctors are providing medication intravenously."

"They are happy and miss their home... but they may have to watch the World Cup matches on TV because they are still in quarantine," Dr Jessada said.

The boys were brought out of the cave blindfolded to protect their eyes after so long in the dark. The blindfolds were removed on arrival at hospital. The first four boys' vision had already returned to normal. The other four were still wearing sunglasses he said.

Four boys and their football coach remained trapped in the cave on Tuesday morning. The group of 13 entered the cave complex after football practice on June 23  and were trapped inside by a flash flood after heavy rain pounded the area. Continuing rain has made their rescue extremely perilous.

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  • antibiotics: drugs that cure illnesses and infections caused by bacteria - ยาปฏิชีวนะ
  • blindfold: to put something over somebody's eyes so they cannot see - เอาผ้าปิดตา, เอาผ้าผูกตา
  • damp: somewhat wet - ชื้น
  • drip: a piece of equipment or the process that passes liquid food, medicine or blood very slowly through a tube into a patient's vein - การหยดยาเข้าหลอดเลือด
  • intravenously: going directly into a vein -
  • perilous: very dangerous - เต็มไปด้วยอันตราย, ซึ่งไม่น่าปลอดภัย
  • psychological: connected with a person's mind and the way in which it works - ทางด้านจิตใจ, ทางจิตวิทยา
  • pulse (noun): the regular beat of blood as it is sent around the body, that can be felt in different places, especially on the inside part of the wrist; the number of times the blood beats in a minute - ชีพจร, อัตราการเต้นของหัวใจ, จังหวะการเต้นของหัวใจ
  • quarantine (noun): a situation in which a person or animal that might have a disease is kept separate from other people or animals so that they do not catch the disease - การกักบริเวณ, การจำกัดบริเวณ
  • saline: containing salt - น้ำเกลือ
  • scrape (noun): a slight injury or mark caused by rubbing against a rough surface - รอยถลอก
  • vaccine: a substance which contains a form that is not harmful of a virus and which is given to a person or animal to prevent them from getting the disease which the virus causes - วัคซีน
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