Large net set up to capture elephants

Military officers were deployed to help set up a large net to capture six elephant carcasses before they could float into Khun Dan Prakan Chon dam in Nakhon Nayok. (Photo by Manit Sanubboon)
Military officers were deployed to help set up a large net to capture six elephant carcasses before they could float into Khun Dan Prakan Chon dam in Nakhon Nayok. (Photo by Manit Sanubboon)

Park officers have set up a large net downstream from the carcasses of six elephants in Haew Narok waterfall in Khao Yai National Park to prevent them from floating down to the Khun Dan Prakan Chon dam in Nakhon Nayok.

The officers estimate the carcasses will reach the net in 4-5 days. The carcasses will then be plucked out of the water and buried. The burial ground will be sealed with hydrated lime to prevent the rotting carcasses from contaminating the area.

The jumbos tumbled down the waterfall and drowned on Saturday morning.

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Varawut Silpa-archa has ordered the construction of a barricade to prevent wildlife from falling into the waterfall. He also suggested setting up food banks in areas around the park to supply wildlife with food and water. Food scarcity can lead to animals approaching dangerous spots such as the top of the waterfall.

The Minister also urged locals and military officers to monitor the wellbeing of elephants and other wildlife.

Meanwhile, a source said the two elephants rescued from the scene on Saturday were believed to have made their way back safely to their habitat.


  • barricade: a temporary structure built to prevent someone/something from getting past - แผงหรือแนวรั้วกั้น
  • carcass: the body of a dead animal - ซาก
  • habitat: the type of place that a particular animal usually lives in or a particular plant usually grows in - ถิ่นที่อยู่ของพืชหรือสัตว์
  • jumbo: an elephant (the adjective jumbo means very large) -
  • net (noun): material made of string, thread or wire twisted or tied together, with small spaces in between - แห, ตาข่าย
  • plucked: taken quickly from a particular situation or place - ถูกนำต้วออกมาจาก
  • scarcity: when there is not enough of something and it is difficult to obtain it - ความขาดแคลน, ความไม่เพียงพอ
  • wellbeing: the satisfactory state that someone or something should be in, that involves such things as being happy, healthy, and safe, and having enough money - ภาวะที่ปราศจากโรคภัยไข้เจ็บ

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