Before 2025 gets fully underway, checking several basic points in your swing might be beneficial, rather like investing in putting your car in for a service before a long trip. Start with your grip by placing your lead hand on the top of the club with your thumb pointing down the right centre of the grip (for right-handers). Keep the thumb quite short as a long thumb leads to over hinging at the top of your swing.
The 'V' created between your thumb and index finger should point roughly towards your trail shoulder. Whether you use the overlap, interlock or baseball grip, place your trail hand on top so it's comfortable and the 'V' points roughly towards the right side of your chest.
With alignment a common fault is aiming left with the shoulders. Feel like you tuck your trail elbow in before getting into your posture. That will help you square off to your target, but to be sure, place an alignment stick or club under your arms to check. With posture many golfers arch their backs too much, so stand up straight with your feet about shoulder-width apart and hold a club out in front of you. Bend from the hips and then add a little knee flex. Your stance should be around shoulder-width apart on most iron shots, slightly wider with the driver and narrower with the short clubs. Make sure your toes aren't turned in as this will restrict rotation. Instead, flare your lead foot out to help you turn through the shot.
Out of Bounds: I heard back from PGA Tour headquarters saying that unfortunately l was not successful in my application to become their next CEO. Apparently, they wanted a younger man who is not grumpy, sarcastic or cynical and not prone to making adverse comments.