A woman has complained to the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB) about the slow progress being made in the case of a US embassy car allegedly hitting her street sweeper husband and leaving him severely injured.
Atchara Jaidee, 28, lodged the complaint at the city's police headquarters yesterday.
She claimed her husband, Athapol Chinsook, 27, employed by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), was cleaning the street outside the embassy when a car allegedly belonging to the embassy knocked him down on the morning of Feb 6.
Ms Atchara did not witness the accident but was told about it by a friend who phoned her to deliver the bad news.
She decided to raise the matter with the MPB because the investigation appeared to be making little headway, she said.
Ms Atchara said her husband suffered from an intracerebral haemorrhage and a broken leg and was initially treated in the intensive care unit of Chulalongkorn Hospital.
He was later put on life support as he lost consciousness, and then transferred to Bangphai General Hospital in Phasicharoen district so the couple could use his social security insurance.
Ms Atchara said she has not been contacted by the driver of the car that allegedly injured her husband, adding she has also filed a complaint with Lumpini police.
"We are aware of the case and wish for a speedy recovery of the injured individual," the embassy said in a statement.
"Due to privacy concerns, we cannot discuss the specifics of the case. We have been in regular contact with Thai authorities as part of the ongoing investigation of the accident," Jillian Bonnardeaux said in her capacity as a spokesperson for the embassy.
Ms Atchara, who is on maternity leave, said the social security fund does not cover the full medical bill and she is raising their baby alone.