A large majority of people desire quality vaccines against Covid-19, want 100% of the population to be fully vaccinated and have very little trust in the government to solve their problems, according to the result of an opinion survey by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, or Suan Dusit Poll.
The poll was conducted online on 1,510 people throughout the country between Aug 23-26. The respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer to each question.
Asked to choose five things they most want to happen amid the Covid crisis, a large majority -- 84.12% of respondents wanted quality vaccines and 100% of people in the country to be fully vaccinated; 50.47% wanted everyone to have an equal opportunity to get treatment when infected; 43.24% wanted medical personnel and frontline health workers to get proper recognition; and 34.12% wanted people to be provided with medications and Covid-19 test kits.
Asked what they wanted most and thought they could realistically get, 67.44% cited bags containing survival kits, food and drinking water; 63.64% subsidies for tuition fees and equipment for studying; 60.92% knowledge about Covid-19; 57.66% recognition and help for medical staff and frontline workers; and 48.23% reduction of utility prices, particularly water and electricity.
Asked to choose five wishes they thought were not likely to materialise, 90.64% said they wanted a government free of corruption that sincerely tried to solve problems without playing politics; 89.29% visionary leaders who listened to people's opinions; 88.27% equality in society without big gaps between haves and have-nots; 85.94% a government capable of teamwork; and 77.71% proper state assistance for all groups of people.
Asked whom they could rely on in this situation, 68.39% pointed to themselves; 53.80% society as a whole; 46.06% medical personnel; 27.96% the government; and 25.04% the minister of public health.