The government will have to wait for Nay Pyi Taw to decide on the fate of the Thai crewmembers detained in the neighbouring country following an incident off the coast of Ranong last week, as local authorities are not authorised to sign off on their release.
Phumtham Wechayachai
According to Defence Minister Phumtham Wechayachai on Monday, negotiations to secure their release are still ongoing, and Thai authorities have sent a formal request to visit the detained crewmembers in Myanmar.
However, Mr Phumtham said there are certain procedures and legal hurdles that must be followed.
He said authorities were expecting to begin the negotiations for their release with the Thai-Myanmar Township Border Committee (TBC), but the Myanmar representatives on the committee said the issue must be decided by the central government.
In light of this development, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, as well as the Thai embassy in Myanmar, are trying to negotiate with Myanmar's Foreign Affairs Ministry, he said.
"We can only wait," he said.
The four Thai crew, along with 27 other crewmembers from Myanmar, were aboard the trawler Sor Charoenchai 8, and several other boats when they were reportedly fired on by a Myanmar navy vessel about 12 nautical miles (22 kilometres) off the coast of Koh Phayam.
The vessels were seized and the 31 men detained by Myanmar authorities following the incident on Nov 30. During the attack, one crew member of a fishing boat jumped into the sea and died.
Recent reports from local sources suggest the men have been moved to a detention facility in Kawthaung, which lies across the border from Ranong.
Despite earlier pledges that the four Thai crewmembers would be released by Dec 6, the men remain in the custody of Myanmar authorities.
Thai authorities are seeking updates on the expected release of the detainees, Defence Ministry spokesman Maj Gen Thanathip Sawangsaeng said.
"Local authorities in Myanmar said they were still awaiting confirmation from their superiors before the Thais can be freed," said Maj Gen Thanathip.
The fishermen's release can be secured only after a direct order from Nay Pyi Taw is received, he said.
Earlier, Thai officials used diplomatic channels to protest against the attack and urged Myanmar to consider whether its actions were excessive, Maj Gen Thanathip said.