Millions of invalid or no-vote ballots cast in provincial elections
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Millions of invalid or no-vote ballots cast in provincial elections

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A resident registers before voting in the provincial administrative organisation election in Chaiyaphum province on Saturday. (Photo: Makkawan Wannakul)
A resident registers before voting in the provincial administrative organisation election in Chaiyaphum province on Saturday. (Photo: Makkawan Wannakul)

There were nearly 2 million invalid or no-vote ballots cast in the election of presidents of provincial administrative organisations in 47 provinces on Saturday.

The Office of the Election Commission on Monday released statistics of the polling for PAO presidents and provincial councillors on Saturday.

In the election of PAO presidents in 47 provinces, there were 931,290 invalid ballots, or 5.69% of all ballots, and 1.17 million ballots in which voters ticked the no-vote box (7.08% of all ballots).

Of 27.99 million eligible voters, 16.36 million (58.45%) exercised their electoral rights.

There were also elections of provincial councillors in 76 provinces.

Of 47.12 million eligible voters, 26.42 million (56.06%) cast votes. There were 1.49 million invalid ballots (5.63%) and 1.80 million no-vote ballots (6.81%).

The northern province of Lamphun had the highest voter turnout at  73.43% for the election of PAO presidents and provincial councilors. The president's chair was won by the opposition Peoples Party candidate - its first major success in local government polls.  

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