In an era when businesses must compete, not just against one another, but more importantly, against time, quick, secure, and efficient transportation has become essential for every type of business. This is especially true for the industrial sector, which requires a wide variety of transportation modes, such as for general merchandise, chilled/frozen products, construction materials, petroleum products, liquids, gases, and hazardous substances.
However, recurring problems in regard to transportation in Thailand include road accidents arising from speeding, delayed deliveries, lost goods, fuel theft, and other fraudulent activities. Also problematic is the management and containment of contaminated materials or materials not originating from the factories in accordance with Ministry of Industry requirements. All these issues have a huge negative impact on businesses and the communities.
LIV-24 Company Limited, a leader in integrated intelligent security technology, can help solve these problems with “Vehicle Fleet Management,” a real-time transportation tracking system that efficiently addresses transportation management needs to mitigate and prevent various issues that may occur and save costs.
Ms. Niramon Direkmahamongkol, Managing Director of LIV-24 Company Limited, reiterated, “LIV-24 is the proprietor of the new ‘Vehicle Fleet Management’ solution, which is the technology most suitable for, and applicable to, various types of transportation. We recognise the potential in the efficient transportation of goods, as industrial manufacturing is an important business sector that drives the country’s economy. The industrial sector requires the transportation of materials used in production processes from various locations to the production facilities, which necessitates strict control of transportation time to prevent the production process from being adversely affected.
“Therefore, fast, accurate, punctual, economical, and secure transportation is indispensable to businesses. For some industries, transportation also means the evacuation of contaminated or unused materials, which may have been disposed of incorrectly, leading to harm to the environment and communities. These factors involving industrial transportation have made GPS tracking of transport vehicles from origin to destination an unavoidable necessity. With that in mind, the Vehicle Fleet Management system is the right solution for the transportation industry, for which we give importance to and explore the latest technology to apply in conjunction with smarter transportation management.

“LIV-24 recognises an opportunity to increase transportation business potential, especially when industrial plants often contract many transportation companies, making tracking and monitoring of transportation extremely difficult. Therefore, LIV-24 has developed software and Application Programming Interfaces (API) to support the tasks of transportation tracking, including an automatic route calculation system for transport fleets, real-time vehicle location tracking, and transport status monitoring to meet the needs of transportation services.
“Furthermore, tracking can also help operators of transport vehicles achieve maximum efficiency, thus considerably increasing their business potential. Currently, LIV-24 is monitoring and supervising approximately 225 large transport lorries per day running on 63 routes throughout the country on behalf of large-scale industrial production facilities. This operation is routed through the Command Centre that can monitor overall transportation efficiency in real time.”

LIV-24’s Vehicle Fleet Management System: Key Features
- GPS Tracking: The system monitors transportation routes in real time, constantly calculating the shortest routes or those with the least travel time. It also helps plan the most appropriate route, especially for transport vehicles with multiple delivery points (Multi-Stop), arranging the most efficient order of stops to reduce transportation time and ensure faster deliveries, thereby achieving the lowest transportation costs. GPS tracking can define areas where vehicles enter and exit, ensuring strict adherence to set plans, and can set notifications for when vehicles enter or exit designated areas. This is particularly useful for transporting contaminated materials that must be handled according to specific requirements and directed to a clear, specific destination without deviation to prevent environmental impacts on communities.
- Driver Monitoring: This system monitors the behaviour and driving characteristics of drivers to prevent potentially dangerous driving. For example, it can detect if a driver falls asleep or is driving at excessive speeds. This helps reduce accident risks, ensures the safety and security of products, and prevents theft or fraudulent activities by monitoring fuel usage and producing reports that correlate fuel use with distance travelled to achieve maximum efficiency.
- Real-time Alerts: Alert values can be set with the Incident Management System for when abnormal incidents occur, such as a transport vehicle deviating from a planned route or a delivery being delayed. The system can provide notifications through various channels, including SMS, Email, and the LINE App, etc.
- Transport Lorries Maintenance Data Programming: This system includes the recording of maintenance costs and automatic notification of scheduled maintenance, helping to extend the service life of the vehicles.
- Automatic Data Reporting: The “Auto Daily” report is designed to provide crucial business data. “Data scientists” are employed to conduct comprehensive data analyses and summarise findings according to business needs, resulting in completely reliable information. The report can be retrieved at every step, thus instilling full confidence in customers.
“LIV-24 is an intelligent observation technology with the expertise to provide security 24 hours a day, aimed at increasing work efficiency for our customers. The technology and team at the Command Centre are adept at monitoring and connecting with the ‘Vehicle Fleet Management’ system to help solve related problems for company owners or industrial plants that utilise multiple transport contractors. The system helps reduce difficulties, complications, and management errors. Moreover, the comprehensive data available in the reports can help enhance operational efficiency and increase the effectiveness of the organisation even more,” concluded Ms Niramon.