Rapper receives Apple hacking warning

Dechathorn 'Hockhacker' Bamrungmuang (centre) and Rap Against Dictatorship took a high-profile role in the protests that shook Bangkok last year.
Dechathorn 'Hockhacker' Bamrungmuang (centre) and Rap Against Dictatorship took a high-profile role in the protests that shook Bangkok last year.

A Thai rapper said he would not be silenced on Thursday after he received messages from Apple warning that hackers could be targeting his phone.

Apple warned the rapper and five other Thai activists that, if successful, the hackers could remotely access their data and even the camera and microphone on their iPhones.

Dechathorn "Hockhacker" Bamrungmuang, from the Rap Against Dictatorship group, posted a screen grab of the message to his Facebook page late Wednesday.

"Apple believes you are being targeted by state-sponsored attackers who are trying to remotely compromise the iPhone associated with your Apple ID," the message warned.

"These attackers are likely targeting you individually because of who you are or what you do."

Dechathorn, who has previously been arrested for sedition but was later released, said he was "appalled" by the hacking attempt.

"We (Rap Against Dictatorship) will probably write a song about this," Dechathorn told AFP.

Rap Against Dictatorship took a high-profile role in the youth-led protests that shook Bangkok last year, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha.

Asked about the messages from Apple, the deputy secretary-general to the prime minister said: "If it is authentic, the Digital Economy and Society Ministry will look into this."

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  • activists (noun): people who take part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change, especially someone who is a member of an organisation - นักกิจกรรม
  • appalled: shocked or having strong feelings of disapproval - ท้อใจ, ผิดหวังอย่างมาก
  • authentic: real, not false or copied - ของแท้
  • compromise: to risk harming or losing something important; to reduce in quality, value, or degree; to weaken or lower - ยอมอ่อนข้อ
  • hacker: a person who secretly finds a way of looking at and/or changing information on somebody else's computer system without permission - ผู้ที่มีความชำนาญในการใช้คอมพิวเตอร์ไปในทางที่ผิดกฎหมาย เช่น แอบขโมยข้อมูลจากคอมพิวเตอร์ในเครือข่าย
  • resignation: the act of leaving a job, position of power, etc. - การลาออกจากตำแหน่ง
  • secretary-general (noun): the person who is in charge of the department that deals with the running of a large international or political organisation - เลขาธิการ, เลขาธิการใหญ่
  • sedition: fighting against the government; rebellion, revolt, revolution, agitation - การปลุกระดมฝูงชนให้ต่อต้านรัฐบาล, การช่วยก่อความไม่สงบ, คำพูดปลุกระดม, การสนับสนุนพวกกบฏ
  • sponsor: to support a person, organization or activity by giving money, encouragement or other help - อุปถัมภ์, สนับสนุน
  • state: government - รัฐ
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