Parents of accused teen killers fined

A still taken from security video shows two teenagers standing over assault victim Buaphan Tansu on the side of a road in Aranyaprathet district of Sa Kaeo in the early morning of Jan 12. A total of five boys have been implicated in the woman’s beating and death.
A still taken from security video shows two teenagers standing over assault victim Buaphan Tansu on the side of a road in Aranyaprathet district of Sa Kaeo in the early morning of Jan 12. A total of five boys have been implicated in the woman’s beating and death.

The Sa Kaeo Juvenile and Family Court on Wednesday fined the parents of a group of teenagers accused of killing a 47-year-old woman 5,000 baht each.

Police had sought prosecution of the parents of the five boys, aged 13 to 16, who are accused of killing Buaphan Tansu on Jan 12.

The adults were charged with supporting or allowing their children to behave improperly.

After leaving the courtroom, some of the parents told reporters the court had fined them 10,000 baht each, but due to their confessions, the fines were halved.

They had been facing possible jail terms of up to three months and/or fines of up to 30,000 baht each.

The case is reportedly the first in which the parents of teenagers who have committed serious crimes have received legal punishment.

Two of the teen attackers were reported to be the sons of local police officers, and the handling of the case by Aranyaprathet police has drawn widespread public condemnation.

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) is now investigating how the woman’s 56-year-old husband, Panya Khongsaenkham, was allegedly tortured by Aranyaprathet police to falsely confess that he murdered his wife.

Security camera video showed that Buaphan was assaulted, abducted and killed by the teenagers who later disposed of her body in a nearby pond.

Audio clips that emerged of conversations involving the lead investigator at the Aranyaprathet station and his colleagues indicate that officers knew they had “the wrong guy”.

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  • abduct: to take somebody away illegally, especially using force - ลักพาตัว
  • behave: to do things in a particular way - ประพฤติตัว
  • commit: to do something wrong or illegal - ทำความผิด
  • condemnation: a public statement in which someone criticises someone or something severely - การประนามหยามเหยียด
  • confess (verb): to admit that you have committed a crime - สารภาพผิด
  • confession: admitting that you have done something wrong or illegal - การสารภาพผิด
  • crime: an illegal activity or action - อาชญากรรม
  • emerge: to become known - เป็นที่ประจักษ์ต่อ
  • fine: to be required to pay an amount of money because you have broken the law - ปรับเป็นเงิน
  • improperly (adv): in a way that is not suited or appropriate to the situation - ไม่เหมาะสม ไม่สมควร
  • jail term: the length of time a person is required to spend in jail -
  • prosecution: the person or organisation that tries to prove in court that someone has committed a crime - อัยการ
  • torture: to cause great physical or mental pain to someone intentionally - ทรมานให้เจ็บปวด
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