B85m gold robbery suspect identified

Owner Samak Anujorn talks on a phone outside Suthada gold shop in Na Thawi district in Songkhla province on Monday. (Photo by Assawin Pakkawan)
Owner Samak Anujorn talks on a phone outside Suthada gold shop in Na Thawi district in Songkhla province on Monday. (Photo by Assawin Pakkawan)

SONGKHLA: Investigators have named the alleged leader of a huge gold robbery in Na Thawi district, saying he might have crossed the border to Malaysia.

Police on Monday identified Jae-arong Heng, 39, as the likely leader of the gang that robbed Suthada gold shop in Na Thawi district of Songkhla on Saturday. They made off with 3,000 baht weight of gold ornaments, some gold bars and jewellery items totalling at least 85 million baht.

They wore ranger uniforms and fled in a van that was found in a rubber plantation in the district on Sunday.

The exact number of robbers is still unclear. The latest estimation by police is 14, while witnesses have counted more.

Mr Jae-arong operates in the border areas between Pattani and Songkhla provinces. An arrest warrant has been issued for him by Saba Yoi police station on eight charges, including possession of explosives, police said.

The southern border police chief believed the gang might have taken the stolen gold into Malaysia's Kedah state. Their motive was to use the gold to finance future operations, he added.

On Sunday, police said investigators linked the heist to the unrest in the South. 

Suthada was previously robbed in 2005. Owner Samak Anujorn said Saturday's robbery was worse, since the thieves stole every gold item from the shelves and not all of them were insured.

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  • arrest warrant: a document signed by a judge allowing police to arrest someone - หมายจับ
  • baht-weight (noun): a unit of weight measurement for Gold in Thailand where 1 Baht is equal to 15.244 grams in raw form or 15.16 grams when it sold as jewellery -
  • estimation (noun): an amount that you guess or calculate using the information available - ประมาณการ
  • explosives: substances or pieces of equipment that can cause explosions - สิ่งที่ระเบิดได้
  • gang (noun): a group of criminals who work together; a group of young people who spend time together causing trouble - แก๊ง, กลุ่มโจร
  • heist: (informal) an act of stealing something valuable, especially from a shop/store or bank - การปล้น (คำสแลง)
  • insured: having insurance - ซึ่งมีประกัน
  • made off with (verb): stole something and hurried away with it - ฉกหนีไป, ขโมยและรีบหนีไป
  • motive: a reason for doing something - แรงจูงใจ
  • ornament: a small attractive object used for decoration - เครื่องประดับประดา
  • plantation (n): a large farm where crops such as tea, coffee, cotton, sugar or trees, are grown - ไร่ นาขนาดใหญ่
  • ranger: a person whose job is to take care of a park, a forest or an area of countryside - เจ้าหน้าที่ดูแลป่าหรืออุทยาน

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