Fish stabs man in neck

Tourists swim at Ao Tan Khu in Laem Ngop district of Trat on Thursday. (Photo: Jakkrit Waewkraihong)
Tourists swim at Ao Tan Khu in Laem Ngop district of Trat on Thursday. (Photo: Jakkrit Waewkraihong)

A tourist was seriously injured after a needlefish stabbed him in the neck while he was swimming with other people at a beach in Trat on Thursday.

Local residents and tourists brought Noppadol Sringam to the shore after he shouted for help at Ao Tan Khu beach around 1pm. He was given first aid before being taken to Trat Hospital.

Local authorities said needlefish, known in Thai as pla tek leng, are found commonly in shallow coastal habitats. They can make short jumps out of the water.

Authorities said Ao Tan Khu was a popular tourist destination, and tourists should take extra caution while swimming in the area.

On Dec 12, 2018, a navy soldier was stabbed in the neck by a needlefish in Trat. He later died.


  • caution: careful thought and lack of hurry in order to try to avoid risks or danger - ความระมัดระวัง
  • first aid: simple medical treatment that is given to somebody before a doctor comes or before the person can be taken to a hospital - การปฐมพยาบาล
  • habitats (noun): the type of places that particular animals usually live in or particular plants usually grow in - ถิ่นที่อยู่ของพืชหรือสัตว์
  • shallow: not deep - ตื้น
  • shore: the land along the edge of the sea or ocean, a lake or another large area of water - ชายฝั่ง
  • stabbed: when someone is killed or hurt by a knife or other sharp object being pushed into their body - แทงด้วยอาวุธ
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