Workers march to demand higher pay

Workers and labour groups held a May Day parade from Democracy Monument to Government House to highlight their cause on Monday. (Photo: Wichan Charoenkiatpakul)
Workers and labour groups held a May Day parade from Democracy Monument to Government House to highlight their cause on Monday. (Photo: Wichan Charoenkiatpakul)

Labour advocates converged on Government House on Monday, calling on the government to raise the daily minimum wage to 700 baht and set up a fund to support laid-off workers.

One group of protesters, led by political activists Somyot Prueksakasemsuk and Thanaporn Wichian, marched to Phitsanulok Mansion and Government House in an effort to push their proposals to the government.

According to Ms Thanaportn, ideas in the proposal would not only improve labourers' welfare but also increase their bargaining power with employers.

A different group led by the Labour Congress of Thailand (LCT) also organised a march, which started at Makkhawan Rangsan Bridge and proceeded to Lan Khon Muang in front of City Hall.

After praising the Ministry of Labour's work over the past two and a half years, Chinchote Saengsang, LCT president, read out the group's seven demands, which include the establishment of risk insurance for workers and monitoring performance of the state's social security scheme for workers.

The group also urged increasing pension payout from 3,000 baht a month to 5,000 baht a month in order to better match the real expenditures of the average labourer.

They also asked the government to sign two International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions and follow up on the government's promise to increase the daily wage to 425 baht a day, which it made ahead of the 2019 election, he said.


  • activists (noun): people who take part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change, especially someone who is a member of an organisation - นักกิจกรรม
  • advocate : someone who strongly and publicly supports someone or something - ผู้การสนับสนุน (องค์อุปถัมภก)
  • bargain (verb): to attempt to get something under more favourable conditions - ต่อรอง
  • call on (verb): request or ask someone to do something - ขอ, ขอร้อง, เรียกร้อง
  • demand: a very firm request for something - ข้อเรียกร้อง, การเรียกร้อง
  • labourer: a person whose job involves hard physical work that is not skilled, especially work that is done outdoors - กรรมกร, ผู้ใช้แรงงาน
  • march (noun): a walk by a large group of people to a place to protest about something - เดินแถว, เดินขบวน
  • monitor: keep track of - ตรวจ, ติดตาม, เฝ้าสังเกต
  • proceed: to move or travel in a particular direction - เดินทางไปยัง
  • proposal: a plan or suggestion for a group to consider - ข้อเสนอ
  • protester: someone who shows that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc - ผู้ต่อต้าน, ผู้ประท้วง
  • risk: the possibility that something dangerous or unpleasant might happen - ความเสี่ยง
  • scheme: a plan that is developed by a government or large organisation in order to provide a particular service for people - แผนการ โครงการ
  • welfare (noun): good care and living conditions - ความสะดวกสบาย, ความมีสุขภาพดี, สวัสดิภาพ
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