Thaksin lawyer fit for government?

Pichit: Jailed for contempt of court
Pichit: Jailed for contempt of court

An ex-lawyer is tipped to become a cabinet minister despite having served jail time over the so-called "cash-stuffed paper bag" scandal representing former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a controversial land case in 2008.

Pichit Chuenban is expected to serve as the PM's Office Minister under the Pheu Thai-led coalition government, according to sources.

On June 25, 2008, the Supreme Court sentenced Mr Pichit and two of his colleagues to six months each in jail for contempt of court after they tried to bribe Supreme Court officials by handing them a paper bag containing two million baht in cash a fortnight earlier.

All three represented Thaksin and his ex-wife, Khunying Potjaman na Pombejra, in the Ratchadaphisek land case, for which Thaksin was sentenced to two years in prison in 2008.

Mr Pichit was among 10 people who visited Thaksin at the Police General Hospital on Monday, according to the sources.

A vice dean at Rangsit University's faculty of law said Mr Pichit is not qualified to hold a cabinet post as he served jail time for attempted bribery.

Even though he was released over a decade ago and is not barred from joining the new cabinet, his past conduct creates a difficult ethical situation, he said.

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  • barred (verb): officially prevented from doing something - ถูกห้าม
  • bribe: to give money or presents to someone so that they will help you by doing something dishonest or illegal - ติดสินบน
  • bribery: the crime of giving money or presents to someone so that they will help you by doing something dishonest or illegal - การให้สินบน
  • cabinet: the group of government ministers who make and approve government policy - คณะรัฐมนตรี
  • coalition: a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a government together - พรรคร่วมรัฐบาล
  • contempt of court: the offense and crime of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law and its officers. -
  • ethical: involving the principles used for deciding what is right and what is wrong - ตามหลักจรรยา
  • fit: to be the right size; to agree with, match or be suitable for something - พอดี (ขนาด), พอเหมาะ
  • qualified (adj): able to do something, because you have the knowledge, skill, or experience that is needed - มีคุณวุฒิเหมาะสม, มีคุณสมบัติ
  • represent: to act, speak or be present officially for another person or people - เป็นตัวแทน
  • supreme court: the highest court in a country - ศาลฎีกา, ศาลสูงสุด
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