Chiang Mai pub raid finds 242 underage customers

An administrative official addresses customers, many of them under-age,  at the illegal pub raided in Chiang Mai early Wednesday morning. (Photo: Panumet Tanraksa)
An administrative official addresses customers, many of them under-age, at the illegal pub raided in Chiang Mai early Wednesday morning. (Photo: Panumet Tanraksa)

Five senior Chiang Mai police officers recently reinstated after being transferred to inactive posts over an illegal casino have again been suspended, following a raid on a pub.

They were returned to inactive posts on Wednesday after local officials found an unlicensed pub operating after hours and serving hundreds of underage customers on Tuesday night, again within their jurisdiction.

The partygoers were celebrating Halloween.

Police transferred the chief of Chang Phueak station, two of his deputies and two inspectors to inactive posts at the Chiang Mai police operations centre.

He also ordered an investigation into their roles in the operation of the illegal pub.

Officials raided the Neufxbar pub on Sirinthon Road in Chang Phueak at 12.30am on Wednesday.

They found 242 customers under the age of 20 years, the legal age to be on the premises.

The pub was operating without a licence in a two-storey wooden house. It was after hours and the place was packed. There were no fire exits and alcoholic beverages were still being served.

The raid followed complaints from nearby residents about the noise and the pub staying open until 2am.

The same five senior officers at Chang Phueak station were transferred to inactive posts on Aug 10 after administrative officials found a casino operating in their area. There were 104 gamblers when it was raided. The five officers had only just returned to active duty after the investigation was completed.

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  • casino: a building where gambling games, especially roulette and card games are played for money - บ่อนการพนัน
  • chief: a person with a high rank or the highest rank in a company or an organisation - หัวหน้า, ผู้นำ
  • complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การบ่น, ข้อที่ไม่พอใจ
  • deputy: a person who is given the power to do something instead of another person, or the person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organisation - รอง, ตัวแทน,ผู้รักษาการแทน
  • inactive post: a job or position with no real responsibilities or duties -
  • jurisdiction: a country or area in which a particular legal system operates - ขอบเขตอำนาจที่ศาลและกฏหมายควบคุมไปถึง
  • packed: crowded; full of people or things - แน่น
  • premises: the buildings and land that a business or organisation uses - ที่ดินและสิ่งปลูกสร้าง
  • raid: to forcefully and suddenly enter a place to catch criminals or to search for something like drugs - ใช้กำลังเข้าค้นสถานที่หรือ จับกุมคนร้าย
  • reinstate: to give back a job or position that had been taken away from somebody - ให้กลับมารับตำแหน่งเดิม
  • suspended (verb): not allowed to participate or to do a job for a period of time; not allowed to be used for a period of time - ถูกระงับ
  • transferred: changed someone’s job or responsibilities - โยกย้ายตำแหน่ง
  • underage: under the legal age for some activity such as drinking, going to a bar or having sex. -
  • unlicensed: not having a license or the correct papers to do something - ไม่ได้ตีทะเบียน, นอกกฎหมาย
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