Samui villa demolition runs into problems

Eleven illegally built luxury villas on Koh Samui in Surat Thani. (Photo: Supaphong Chaolan)
Eleven illegally built luxury villas on Koh Samui in Surat Thani. (Photo: Supaphong Chaolan)

Authorities on the tourist island of Koh Samui are trying again to get 11 illegally built luxury villas demolished after their first attempt to do so earlier this week failed.

Demolition work at the Ariya Residence project was set to begin on Monday but authorities could not proceed as the project owner sent a lawyer to protest.

The process resumed on Wednesday after Surat Thani's deputy governor ordered Koh Samui's mayor to have the buildings razed.

Officials arrived there to find the 11 villas occupied

Officials reported the obstruction on Monday to local police.

A demolition notice was posted on the property and legal action would be taken against those who fail to comply. The municipality would hire a contractor to do the demolition work estimated to cost 11 million baht.

Meanwhile, a lawyer representing the project owner has filed a complaint with police against the officials for alleged trespassing.

The project, with 34 luxury villas, is operated by BS 2 Brothers Co.

A complaint about illegal construction was lodged in 2019. An investigation found that 11 villas had been built but did not match the approved design.

They were ordered demolished, but the project owner did not comply.

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  • comply (verb): to obey a rule, law, agreement, etc. or do what someone asks you to do - ปฏิบัติตาม (กฎหมาย, ข้อเสนอ, ข้อตกลง etc.)
  • demolition: complete destruction - การรื้อถอน, การทำลาย
  • governor: a person who is chosen to be in charge of the government of a state or province or a government agency - ผู้ว่าการรัฐ, ผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัด
  • lawyer: an attorney - ทนาย
  • mayor: the most important elected official in a town or city - นายกเทศมนตรี
  • obstruction: something that blocks a road, an entrance, etc - สิ่งกีดขวาง
  • occupied: when a person or people are at a place -
  • proceed: to carry out an activity - ดำเนินการ
  • raze: to completely destroy a building, town, etc. so that nothing is left - ทำลายจนราบ
  • trespassing: going onto someone's land or enter their building without permission - การบุกรุก,การรุกล้ำ

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