Chimon and Sing have special powers

Photo by Varuth Hirunyatheb
Photo by Varuth Hirunyatheb

School can be tough at the best of times.

But the school in Channel One’s fantasy drama The Gifted: Nakrean Palang Gift (The Gifted: Students with Special Powers) was a nightmare for everybody except the very best. 

Here, students are divided into different levels. At the very top is the Gifted Class in which the students are special because they have superpowers. Among them is Wave, played by Wachirawit Ruangwiwat (Chimon), who has the power to manipulate machinery, and Ohm, played by Harit Cheewagaroon (Sing), who has the power to teleport.

S Weekly met up with 18-year-old Chimon and 21-year-old Sing to talk about the show.

What do you think of schools treating students differently like in the show? 

Sing: It’s fine if the school wants to support the top students, but too much competition can have a negative effect. Students who don’t do as well academically as others should be supported in areas they’re good at.

Your characters are in the top class. Are you?

Chimon: My character Wave is a maths genius. But I’m just an average student, so we’re quite different. I’m good at computers, art, music and sport. And I play football for the school team.

Sing: I’m not a particularly good student. When I was younger, I played football. Then in junior high school, I got into music. I played guitar in the school band.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Sing: I’d like to be able to teleport like Ohm. It would be great to have the freedom to travel anywhere in an instant. I wouldn’t have to be stuck in traffic anymore.

Chimon: I want to have the power of mind control. I could order people to do whatever I wanted them to do.

What was the best thing about working on The Gifted?

Sing: I like to work with talented people. I learned a lot from the cast, crew and director. 

Chimon: There’s a lot of intense drama. It’s different from the romantic comedies I was in before.

Did you enjoy hosting the variety show School Bus School Ranger?

Sing: Yes. It was our first time hosting a show. As host, you should give priority to the guests, but I sometimes forgot that while we were playing games. I got quite competitive.

Chimon: I was so excited to be on the show. I’m not good at talking, but the other hosts helped me out. I still speak too fast, though. I have to improve on that.

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  • academically: relating to education - เชิงวิชาการ
  • competition: a situation in which people or organizations compete, i.e., try to be more successful or better than somebody else who is trying to do the same as you - การแข่งขัน
  • gifted: with an impressive natural ability - ซึ่งมีพรสวรรค์, ซึ่งมีความสามารถพิเศษ
  • intense: done with a lot of effort, energy, attention, etc. - เข้มข้น
  • machinery (noun): a piece of equipment or device that does something and gets its energy from electricity or gas - เครื่องจักร, เครื่องกล
  • manipulate (verb): to control or use something in a skilful way - จัดการ, ,ยักย้าย, เปลี่ยนแปลงให้เหมาะสม
  • nightmare: an extremely unpleasant event or experience or possible event or experience; a very upsetting or frightening dream - ฝันร้าย
  • particularly: especially, or more than usual - โดยเฉพาะ
  • priority: something important that needs to be done first or needs more attention than anything else - สิ่งที่สำคัญที่สุดเป็นอันดับแรก
  • teleport: moving a person or thing from one place to another instantly , as in the Star Trek "teleport" -
  • treat: to behave in a particular way towards somebody/something - ปฏิบัติ(ต่อ)

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