Three small earthquakes felt in North

A graphic from the Earthquake Observation Division shows the epicentre of the 4.1-magnitude earthquake in Doi Saket district of Chiang Mai at 4.36am on Thursday.
A graphic from the Earthquake Observation Division shows the epicentre of the 4.1-magnitude earthquake in Doi Saket district of Chiang Mai at 4.36am on Thursday.

People felt tremors caused by three earthquakes in the northern provinces of Chiang Mai and Phrae early Thursday morning.

At 1.39am a quake measuring 3.7 on the Richter scale occurred, centred three kilometres under Long district, Phrae. People felt the tremor in Den Chai, Sung Men and Wang Chin districts.

At 4.36am another quake measuring 4.1 was recorded two kilometres under Doi Saket district, Chiang Mai. People in Chiang Mai and Lamphun felt it.

At 5.16am a 2.9-magnitude earthquake was recorded, centred one kilometre under Long district, Phrae. People in tambon Huai Or of Long district felt it.

The Royal Irrigation Department reported that dams near Chiang Mai were unaffected.


  • dam: a wall built across a river to stop the water from flowing, especially in order to create a lake or to help to produce electric power - เขื่อน
  • irrigation: the process of bringing water to land through a system of pipes, ditches, etc. in order to make crops grow - ระบบชลประทาน
  • quake: earthquake, a sudden shaking movement of the ground - แผ่นดินไหว
  • Richter scale: a scale for measuring the magnitude (size and strength) of earthquakes - หน่วยวัดความรุนแรงของแผ่นดินไหว
  • tremor: a shaking of the earth; an earthquake - การสั่นสะเทือน
  • unaffected (adj.): not changed or influenced by something; not affected by something - ซึ่งไม่ได้รับผลกระทบ, ซึ่งไม่ได้รับความกระทบกระเทือน
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