Year of Wood Dragon, Environment, Healthy and Wealthy.


The Wood Dragon Year symbolises a period of vitality and growth in the Chinese zodiac. Combining the Dragon’s power with Wood’s flexibility and creativity, this year emphasises adaptability and innovation on personal and societal levels. It encourages embracing change and exploring innovative paths.

Notably, the Wood Dragon Year focuses on environmental consciousness and sustainability. Aligned with nature, it promotes heightened awareness of ecological issues and a collective drive towards sustainable practices. Individuals may engage in eco-friendly initiatives, positively contributing to the environment.

In terms of personal growth, the year encourages self-discovery and passion pursuit, harnessing the Dragon’s energy for resilience. The Wood element’s flexibility allows for an adaptable approach to goal-setting and problem-solving. Socially, community-based initiatives may thrive during the Wood Dragon Year, fostering collaboration and cooperation. Globally, political and economic shifts align with the Dragon’s assertiveness, tempered by Wood’s promotion of diplomacy and sustainable solutions.

In essence, living in the Wood Dragon Year is an invitation to embrace change, foster creativity, and contribute positively. It encourages a balance between strength and flexibility, resilience, and adaptability, urging individuals to navigate the year by harnessing the Dragon’s powerful energy while rooted in the nurturing and growth-oriented qualities of Wood.


The Green Dragon God (青龍爺)
has long been revered as the guardian of sacred water sources in Chinese belief. It is believed that this deity brings prosperity and abundance to water bodies throughout the year, especially during the Year of the Wood Dragon in 2024. As we celebrate Chinese New Year in 2024, it is highly recommended that you take the opportunity to pay your respects to the Green Dragon God. This act is believed to ward off bad luck and invoke blessings for prosperity, as per Chinese astrology. Items to be offered in worship include water, oranges, boiled eggs, and either 3 or 5 incense sticks.

You can participate in the online worship of the Green Dragon God for a joyful Chinese New Year through our website.





Steamed buns



Holidays invariably centre round food – an undeniable truth. Consumption rates have reached extravagant levels. For example, in 2022, Singapore discarded a staggering 813,000 tonnes of food, as reported by the National Environment Agency (NEA). During the Chinese New Year, food waste surges by up to 20 percent in the country. However, a straightforward solution exist: consume less and sustainably.

Chinese New Year, marked by joyous festivities and feasts, often faces the challenge of food waste. In the spirit of the Wood Dragon Year’s emphasis on growth and adaptability, it’s an opportune moment to address this issue with sustainable practices. Here are practical ways to tackle food waste during the celebrations:

  • Mindful Meal Planning: Plan meals thoughtfully, considering guest numbers and preferences to avoid over-purchasing. Create a menu that maximises ingredient use, reducing leftovers.
  • Smaller Portions and Buffet Style: Serve smaller portions and opt for a buffet-style setup to minimise uneaten food.
  • Creative Leftover Recipes: Transform leftovers into new dishes like stir-fries or soups to minimise waste and add fresh twists.
  • Promoting a sharing culture: Encouraging guests to bring reusable containers, fostering community and generosity. Opting for reusable packaging when sending guests home with leftovers to reduce reliance on disposable packaging.
  • Composting Practices: Establish a composting system for organic waste, aligning with the Wood Dragon’s emphasis on growth.
  • Donate Excess Food: Partner with local charities to donate surplus food, supporting those in need.
  • Technology for Monitoring: Use apps and smart tools to track food inventory and expiration dates, preventing unnecessary waste.

Approaching Chinese New Year with a commitment to reducing food waste aligns with the Year of the Wood Dragon’s emphasis on change and adaptability. By collectively embracing sustainable practices, celebrations can be both joyous and environmentally responsible.


The Chinese New Year celebrations, while fostering community spirit, also pose an environmental challenge – PM2.5 pollution, mainly from fireworks and burning paper and incense sticks. To mitigate this impact, individuals and communities can adopt effective measures:

  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Implement public awareness campaigns to educate people about the environmental consequences of traditional fireworks, enabling informed choices and collective carbon footprint reduction.
  • Support eco-friendly fireworks to minimise pollutants: Opting for community firework displays for better environmental control. Explore alternatives like lantern festivals and cultural performances to celebrate without fireworks.
  • Opting for e-Ang Paos: To be environmentally conscious during the Lunar New Year, consider greening your red packets by reusing them from the previous year or opting for e-Ang Paos. For those discarded or leftover red packets, explore eco-friendly alternatives such as custom-made options from recycled or FSC paper.
  • Avoid burning paper, incense and firecracker: Prevent environmental harm by refraining from burning paper, incense and firecracker.
  • Green Initiatives: Encourage green initiatives like tree planting, community clean-ups, or supporting local environmental organisations to offset the environmental impact.
  • Technology Solutions: Explore technological advancements like low-emission pyrotechnics or LED displays as visually stunning, eco-friendly alternatives to traditional fireworks.
  • Give your old stuff a new life: Turn your unwanted items into treasures for others by exploring donation, free giveaways, selling, or recycling options. Your effort can have a positive impact on the planet and benefit less fortunate communities.

Addressing air pollution during the Chinese New Year requires collective efforts. Embracing eco-friendly alternatives, fostering awareness, and supporting regulations strike a balance between cultural traditions and safeguarding the environment for future generations.


Challenging economic conditions cast a shadow over the upcoming Chinese New Year as Generation Z approaches the first post-pandemic Spring Festival. The prolonged three-year pandemic has notably shifted the perspectives of many young individuals, altering their approach to the traditional celebrations of the Spring Festival.

For this generation, the festivities are no longer solely about donning new clothes or receiving “lucky” money packets as they did in childhood; instead, they explore various alternative forms of entertainment. Nonetheless, this evolution does not signal the demise of tradition. Quite the opposite, Generation Z exhibits a fervour for tradition, expressing it in diverse ways, even prompting some to venture abroad to experience the age-old festival in their unique manner.

The Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration, deeply rooted in tradition and cultural significance, has undergone transformations influenced by changing generations and economic dynamics. The question arises: how long can the CNY maintain its essence amidst these shifts?

Generational changes play a pivotal role in reshaping the way the Chinese New Year is celebrated. Younger generations, influenced by modern lifestyles and global connectivity, may approach traditions differently. The emphasis on family reunions and traditional customs may face adaptation, but the core values of unity and respect remain intact.

Economic factors also contribute to the evolution of CNY celebrations. As societies prosper, the dynamics of gift-giving, feasts, and travel during the festive season undergo alterations. Economic prosperity may enhance the grandeur of celebrations, but it could also lead to commercialisation, diluting the authenticity of the occasion.

Despite these transformations, the myth and cultural significance of the Chinese New Year continue to endure. The symbolic rituals, such as the lion dance, red envelopes, and festive feasts, carry a timeless charm. The mythological stories embedded in the celebration, like the Nian monster and the zodiac animals, persist as integral parts of Chinese cultural heritage.

In essence, while the manifestation of Chinese New Year may evolve with time and economic shifts, the underlying values and myths that define the celebration appear resilient. The CNY’s ability to adapt without losing its cultural richness ensures that it remains a vibrant and cherished tradition for generations to come.

      1.Promotion of Peace and Goodwill
      The positive energy and well-wishing that accompany Chinese New Year create an atmosphere of peace and goodwill. Regardless of cultural or linguistic differences, people around the world join in the collective hope for prosperity, good health, and happiness, fostering a shared aspiration for a better future.
      2.Inclusive Traditions
      Chinese New Year celebrations are inclusive, welcoming people of all backgrounds to participate in the festivities. This inclusivity promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance, fostering connections that go beyond national or cultural borders.
      3.Festival of Lights
      The vibrant colours and lights associated with Chinese New Year symbolise the triumph of light over darkness. This visual spectacle resonates globally, serving as a metaphor for the collective pursuit of positivity and enlightenment across the world.
      4.Global Economic Impact
      The festive season generates economic activity not only in China but also globally, as businesses around the world tap into the enthusiasm surrounding Chinese New Year. This economic interdependence further strengthens the ties between nations and cultures.
      5.Digital Connectivity
      In the digital age, Chinese New Year celebrations are shared globally through social media, allowing people from different corners of the world to witness and participate in the festivities virtually. This digital connectivity fosters a sense of a global community celebrating together.

Chinese New Year stands as a testament to the power of cultural celebrations in fostering global harmony. As people from diverse backgrounds come together to celebrate shared values, the festival serves as a reminder of our common humanity and the potential for unity in diversity.


Chinese New Year traditions, spanning concerts, lion dances, and forums, create a global festive vibe in commercial hubs. From major events to local contributions, like pre-New Year concerts in communities such as the Chinese-American one in Los Angeles, these celebrations showcase inclusivity. The Spring Festival’s reach goes beyond cultural boundaries, fostering global harmony through tradition, symbolism, and family values. It unifies people worldwide in a spirit of festivity.

      1. Cultural Exchange
      Chinese New Year provides a unique opportunity for cultural exchange, as people from various backgrounds engage in the traditions and customs associated with the festival. This intermingling of cultures fosters understanding and appreciation, creating connections that go beyond borders.
      2. Symbolism of Unity
      The symbolic elements of the Chinese New Year, such as the reunion dinner and the giving of red envelopes, emphasise the importance of family and unity. These universal values resonate with people globally, promoting a sense of togetherness that transcends cultural differences.
      3. Shared Festivities Across Borders
      In many parts of the world, Chinese New Year is celebrated with enthusiasm, even outside Chinese communities. Festivals, parades, and cultural events become shared experiences, allowing people of various backgrounds to participate in the joyous celebrations and strengthen their sense of global community.
      4. Promotion of Peace and Goodwill
      The positive energy and well-wishing that accompany Chinese New Year create an atmosphere of peace and goodwill. Regardless of cultural or linguistic differences, people around the world join in the collective hope for prosperity, good health, and happiness, fostering a shared aspiration for a better future.
      5. Inclusive Traditions
      Chinese New Year celebrations are inclusive, welcoming people of all backgrounds to participate in the festivities. This inclusivity promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance, fostering connections that go beyond national or cultural borders.
      6. Festival of Lights
      The vibrant colours and lights associated with Chinese New Year symbolise the triumph of light over darkness. This visual spectacle resonates globally, serving as a metaphor for the collective pursuit of positivity and enlightenment across the world.
      7. Global Economic Impact
      The festive season generates economic activity not only in China but also globally, as businesses around the world tap into the enthusiasm surrounding Chinese New Year. This economic interdependence further strengthens the ties between nations and cultures.
      8. Digital Connectivity
      In the digital age, Chinese New Year celebrations are shared globally through social media, allowing people from different corners of the world to witness and participate in the festivities virtually. This digital connectivity fosters a sense of a global community celebrating together.

Addressing air pollution during the Chinese New Year requires collective efforts. Embracing eco-friendly alternatives, fostering awareness, and supporting regulations strike a balance between cultural traditions and safeguarding the environment for future generations.


Lucky plants are essential for decorating homes or workplaces, especially for those born in the Year of the Wood Dragon. If you’re still unsure about which plant to buy, consider getting one that aligns with your zodiac sign.


  • Bangkok Post