Russian arrested for running motorcycle rental on Koh Phangan

Russian national Denis Chervenko, 42, is interrogated following his arrest on the southern resort island of Koh Phangan for working without a permit and overstaying his visa. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)
Russian national Denis Chervenko, 42, is interrogated following his arrest on the southern resort island of Koh Phangan for working without a permit and overstaying his visa. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)

A Russian man arrested for running a motorcycle rental business on the tourist island of Koh Phangan was also found to have overstayed his visa, say police.

Tourist police and local officials arrested Denis Chervenko, 42, on Tuesday in tambon Ban Tai. Seized from him were five motorcycles.

Local officials received a complaint that Mr Chervenko had been running the business despite not having a work permit. The business was advertised on the social media platform Telegram.

A member of the arresting team then asked online about bike rental fees.

Mr Chervenko admitted he was in the country illegally and earned his living by running the motorcycle rental business.

He was charged with working without a work permit and overstaying his visa by 175 days.


  • admitted (verb): agreed that something is true, especially when you are unhappy, sorry or surprised about it - ยอมรับ
  • charge: to accuse someone officially of committing a crime - ตั้งข้อกล่าวหา
  • complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การบ่น, ข้อที่ไม่พอใจ
  • despite (prep): used to show that something happened or is true although something else might have happened to prevent it; used to show that somebody did not intend to do the thing mentioned - ถึงอย่างไรก็ตาม, ทั้ง ๆ ที่
  • earn a living: to earn enough money to support yourself/your family - หาเลี้ยงชีพ
  • official: connected with the job of somebody who is in a position of authority - ที่เป็นทางการ
  • overstay: stay in a country for longer than you are allowed to stay, not leaving when your visa to stay in the country ends -
  • seize (verb): to take control of by force or official power - ยึกครอง
  • work permit (noun): the official permission for a foreigner to work in a country - ใบอนุญาตทำงาน

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