Tourist dies at Chiang Mai zipline site
published : 5 Aug 2024 at 07:48
writer: Gary Boyle

Authorities have closed a Chiang Mai zipline tourist attraction for an inspection following an accident in which a Chinese tourist was killed and her husband was injured.
The accident took place on Thursday at Jungle Flight Chiangmai in Doi Saket district, when a large tree fell on a bridge the couple was walking on. Both fell from a 15-metre height, local officials said.
Jing Chen, 44, was found dead on the ground, while Liu Yang, 46, sustained broken bones.
According to local reports, recent heavy rains had loosened the soil at the base of the tree, causing it to fall.
The district office has closed the premises for an inspection.
Forestry officials, meanwhile, have launched an investigation to see if the attraction was encroaching on forest areas. Other zipline attractions in the province will be inspected as well, they said.
Learn from listening
- attraction: something that creates interest and brings people to see it - การดึงดูดความสนใจ
- base: the bottom part, edge, or surface of something - พื้นฐาน, รากฐาน
- bones (noun): the various parts of the hard inner structure of the body - กระดูก
- encroach: to gradually enter, cover or take control of more and more of an area of land or sea - บุกรุก, ล่วงล้ำ
- forestry: the growing of trees - การทำป่าไม้, วิชาการป่าไม้
- inspection: the act of looking closely at something or someone and to check that everything is as it should be; examination - การตรวจสอบอย่างละเอียด
- loosen (verb): to make something weaker or less controlled than before; to make something less tight or firmly fixed; to become less tight or firmly fixed - ทำให้คลายลง; ผ่อนออก; ลดหย่อน, ผ่อนคลาย; ทำให้หลวม
- official: someone with an important position in an organisation - เจ้าหน้าที่
- soil: the substance on the surface of the Earth in which plants grow - ดิน
- sustain: to experience, injury, damage, loss, etc. - ประสบกับ (ความสูญเสีย การเจ็บป่วย)
- Keywords
- zipline
- Chiang Mai
- Chinese tourist
- jungle flight