Four kicked out of uni over violent hazing
published : 20 Aug 2024 at 14:01
writer: Gary Boyle

Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi (RMUTSB) has expelled four students for their alleged involvement in a hazing assault on Thursday that left a student seriously injured.
A Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESRI) official said eight students were accused of orchestrating the hazing, which was captured in CCTV footage.
The 20-year-old freshman was said to have joined military-like training for freshmen that includes physical abuse and cruel punishments.
Unable to endure the abuse, the student went with his parents to the campus. The parents asked faculty staff to move the student to a class in another building to avoid the hazing seniors.
On leaving talks with the staff, the family was confronted by a group of around ten seniors who taunted the student and kicked him repeatedly until he fell to the ground, to the horror of his parents.
The mother said her husband, who tried to protect their son, was also assaulted while she was pushed away.
- abuse: cruel, violent tor unfair treatment, especially of someone who does not have the power to prevent it -
- assault (verb): to attack someone violently, either physically or in some other way, e.g., smell - ทำร้ายร่างกาย, ทำร้าย
- confront: to face, meet or deal with a difficult person, group or situation - เผชิญหน้า
- cruel: deliberately causing pain to other people or animals - ป่าเถื่อน โหดร้าย
- endure: to suffer something difficult or unpleasant in a patient way over a long period of time - อดทนเพื่อให้ผ่านเวลาหรือเหตุการณ์ที่เลวร้าย
- expel: to force someone to leave a place, school, organisation or country - ขับไล่,ไล่ออก
- freshman (adj): of a first-year student at a high school, university or college น้องใหม่, น.ศ. ปีหนึ่งในวิทยาลัยหรือมหาวิทยาลัย - ปีหนึ่งในวิทยาลัยหรือมหาวิทยาลัย
- hazing (noun): to play tricks on somebody, especially a new student, or to give them very unpleasant things to do, sometimes as a condition for entering a college, university or a group within an educational institution - การแกล้ง (ผู้ที่มีตำแหน่งต่ำกว่า), การกลั่นแกล้ง
- official: someone with an important position in an organisation - เจ้าหน้าที่
- orchestrate: to plan and organise a complicated event or activity - จัดการ, วางแผน
- punishment: an act or a way of punishing somebody - การลงโทษ
- taunt: to shout cruel things at someone (or perform inappropriate actions) in order to make them angry or upset - พูดส่อเสียดเสียดสี
- violent: involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill somebody - รุนแรง, ร้ายแรง, สาหัส