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soaked in liquid to extract the flavour or healing properties from Dept issues warning on kratom drinks
1 meanings,1 articles


of or relating to the curing of disease from Dept issues warning on kratom drinks
1 meanings,1 articles


the bottom or lower side or surface of something from 500,000 speed pills found hidden under car
1 meanings,1 articles

High Courtnoun

the supreme court of justice for civil cases in England and Wales from Thai mum wins court fight over London restaurant
1 meanings,1 articles

return ratenoun

the profit on an investment from Thai mum wins court fight over London restaurant
1 meanings,1 articles

  • La Nina :the cooling of the water in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean that happens every few years and that affects the weather in many parts of the world
  • lab (laboratory) :a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc ห้องปฏิบัติการ, ห้องทดลอง
  • lab (laboratory) :a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc; a class that takes place in a laboratory and in which students do experiments ห้องปฏิบัติการ, ห้องทดลอง
  • label :a company that produces records
  • label :a company which produces goods for sale, the goods themselves, or the company's name or symbol ชื่อ, ตรา, เครื่องหมายการค้า
  • label :to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, especially one that is not completely fair or true ติดชื่อ
  • label (noun) :a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to something and that gives information about it ฉลาก, แถบ
  • laboratory :a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc ห้องปฏิบัติการ, ห้องทดลอง
  • laborious :needing a lot of work or "labor"
  • labour :work
  • labour :people whose job involves hard physical work that is not skilled, especially work that is done outdoors กรรมกร, ผู้ใช้แรงงาน
  • labour :to do hard physical work ทำงานหนัก
  • labour :to work very hard doing something difficult ทำงานหนัก
  • labour :work, especially hard physical work งานที่ใช้พละกำลัง
  • labour (noun) :the period of time or the process of giving birth to a baby กระบวนการในการคลอดบุตร (โดยเฉพาะการหดตัวของกล้ามเนื้อ)
  • labour (noun) :work แรงงาน