Road-rage driver in court for killing motorcyclist
published : 23 Jan 2025 at 07:30
writer: Gary Boyle

Police took a road-rage motorist accused of intentionally crashing into and killing a motorcycle delivery rider to Bangkok South Criminal Court on Wednesday.
Seree Srettheenamwong, 31, was taken from Lumpini police station to the court. He refused to answer reporters' questions about his motive for the attack and whether he wanted to apologise to the 49-year-old victim's family. He just bent his head, with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Mr Seree was later allowed temporary release on court bail of 600,000 baht, ordered to wear an electronic bracelet and not leave the country without prior permission.
Mr Seree, the son of a garment shop owner in Sukhumvit Soi 7/1, was arrested after he allegedly deliberately crashed his car into delivery rider Ritthisak Prakuptanont's motorbike on Sukhumvit Road in Watthana district of Bangkok on Tuesday afternoon.
Police said they initially pressed two counts against Mr Seree - premeditated murder and reckless driving causing death.
According to a police and witness accounts it was a road rage incident. The suspect and the delivery rider had first quarrelled near Asoke intersection and this continued on to Sukhumvit Soi 10, where Ritthisak drove his bike in front of Mr Seree's car and forced it to stop. He demanded the suspect get out of the car to discuss damage caused to his bike.
The suspect refused and tried to drive away, and the motorcyclist hit the driver’s side window with his hand. Mr Seree got out of his car and attacked the rider. When Ritthisak tried to flee, Mr Seree allegedly drove after him to Sukhumvit Soi 8 and deliberately crashed his car into the bike.
Police said the suspect was hot-tempered but had no record of treatment for any illness. There were no traces of illegal drugs or alcohol in his body.
- bail: money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money - เงินประกัน; การประกันตัว
- bracelet: a piece of jewellery which is worn around the wrist or arm - กำไลข้อมือ
- count: each crime someone is accused of - คดี
- damage (noun): physical harm caused to something which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable - ความเสียหาย
- deliberately: done intentionally; done on purpose - จงใจ ตั้งใจ
- hot-tempered (adj): tending to become very angry easily - ใจร้อน
- intentionally: deliberately; done purposely - อย่างตั้งใจ
- motive: a reason for doing something - แรงจูงใจ
- premeditated: planned in advance - คาดคิดมาก่อน
- quarrelled: argued, disagreed noisily - โต้เถียง
- reckless: not thinking about the possible bad effects of your actions - สะเพร่า
- road rage (noun): a situation in which a driver becomes extremely angry at something that has happened, especially another driver, and which often results in a violent action -