15 police who fled dinner party murder face charges

Central Investigation Bureau commissioner Jirabhop Bhuridej updates reporters on the the investigation into the fatal shooting at Praween
Central Investigation Bureau commissioner Jirabhop Bhuridej updates reporters on the the investigation into the fatal shooting at Praween "Kamnan Nok" Chankhlai's dinner party in Nakhon Pathom on Sept 6. (Photo supplied/ Wassayos Ngamkham)

Fifteen police officers who fled when a gunman shot their colleague dead at Kamnan Nok's dinner party in Nakhon Pathom will be charged this week with dereliction of duty, Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) commissioner Jirabhop Bhuridej said on Tuesday.

He was speaking to reporters about the investigation into the fatal shooting of Pol Maj Siwakorn Saibua, a 32-year-old highway police inspector, at influential local businessman Praween “Kamnan Nok” Chankhlai's house on the night of Sept 6.

Pol Lt Col Wasin Panpee was also wounded in the attack by gunman Thananchai Manmak, who was a close aide of Mr Praween. The gunman was later shot dead by police in Kanchanaburi.

Both victims worked for Highway Police sub-division 2.

Pol Lt Gen Jirabhop said investigators had met several times to consider taking action against police for dereliction of duty over the shooting. Investigators had examined security camera footage, witness statements and other evidence and agreed there were 29 police officers at the dinner party.

They divided the officers into four groups. The first was the dead and injured officers, the second was six officers whose actions amounted to dereliction of duty and concealment of evidence. They are the six officers were earlier arrested and dismissed from the force.

The third group was six other officers who helped the dead and injured officers.

The fourth group was the 15 other officers, who would also be charged with dereliction of duty, Jirabhop said.

According to earlier reports, Pol Maj Siwakorn rejected Mr Praween's request during the party for the promotion of his nephew, a highway policeman. Then a gunman walked in and fired multiple shots at Pol Maj Siwakorn, also hitting Pol Lt Col Wasin.

The murder triggered widespread outrage because the other policemen at the party did not even try to arrest the killer or Mr Praween, and instead let them flee the scene.

The gunman was later shot dead. Mr Praween surrendered to police.

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  • aide: someone whose job is to help another person in their work - ผู้ช่วย
  • charge : an official statement accusing someone of committing a crime - ข้อกล่าวหา
  • dereliction of duty: a serious failure to do the things that you are responsible for in your job - การละทิ้งหน้าที่
  • evidence: facts statements or objects that help to prove whether or not someone has committed a crime - หลักฐาน
  • fatal: causing someone to die - ถึงตาย
  • flee: to leave a place or person quickly because you are afraid of possible danger - หนี อพยพ
  • influential: of a person or group who has the power to affect a situation - มีอิทธิพล
  • investigator: someone whose job is to officially find out the facts about something - ผู้สอบสวน, ผู้สำรวจ, ผู้ตรวจสอบ
  • nephew: a son of your brother or sister, or a son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister - หลานชาย
  • outrage: extreme anger - ความโกรธอย่างรุนแรง
  • surrender: to give yourself up - ยอมจำนน
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