House dissolved, election in 45-60 days

Election Commission secretary-general Sawaeng Boonmee speaks to reporters after a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam at Government House on Monday. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)
Election Commission secretary-general Sawaeng Boonmee speaks to reporters after a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam at Government House on Monday. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)

The House of Representatives has been dissolved, paving the way for a general election.

A royal decree announcing the dissolution was published on Monday in the Royal Gazette. It was  countersigned by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and was effective immediately. A date for the polls has yet to be set, but must be within 45-60 days.

The existing cabinet headed by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha now has limited authority as head of a caretaker government.

The Election Commission (EC) met on Monday with Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam, and discussed what the caretaker government can and cannot do under Section 169 of the 2017 constitution, particularly about cabinet ministers going out on the campaign trail ahead of the general election.

The EC would decide the election date, rumoured to be May 7 or May 14. The EC said that the polls would be held on a holiday.


  • authority: power - อำนาจ
  • cabinet: the group of government ministers who make and approve government policy - คณะรัฐมนตรี
  • campaign trail: the events and activities that are part of an election campaign - กิจกรรมในการรณรงค์หาสียง
  • caretaker government: a temporary government that is in charge of a country until a new government is elected - รัฐบาลชั่วคราวที่ตั้งขึ้นเพื่อรอการเลือกตั้งครั้งใหม่
  • constitution: the set of laws and basic principles that a country in governed by - รัฐธรรมนูญ
  • countersign: to sign a document that has already been signed by another person, especially in order to show that it is valid - ลงนามร่วม
  • decree: an official decision or order made by a leader or government - พระราชกฤษฎีกา
  • dissolution: the process of officially ending the existence of a group of organisation - การยุบ (พรรค สภา)
  • dissolve the House: to end a parliament, normally to call a new election - ยุบสภา
  • Election Commission (EC) (noun): the independent government agency that oversees elections - คณะกรรมการเลือกตั้ง
  • general election (noun): an election in which all or most members of a given political body are chosen. The term is usually used to refer to elections held for a nation's primary legislative body, as distinguished from by-elections and local elections (Source: Wikipedia) - การเลือกตั้งทั่วไป
  • House of Representatives: the main lawmaking body in Thailand - สภาผู้แทนราษฎร
  • minister: a member of the cabinet, the group of government ministers who make and approve government policy - รัฐมนตรี
  • pave the way: to make something possible; to prepare the way for something - เตรียมการ ปูทาง
  • poll (noun): an election - การเลือกตั้ง
  • rumoured: to be reported as a rumour (information that may or may not be true) - ปล่อยข่าวลือ,เล่าลือ,ซุบซิบ
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