Man in shooting rampage killed by police

Members of a commando police team before charging into a house in Muang district, Phetchaburi province, where a man had been on a shooting rampage. (Photo: Royal Thai Police)
Members of a commando police team before charging into a house in Muang district, Phetchaburi province, where a man had been on a shooting rampage. (Photo: Royal Thai Police)

A man who went on a shooting rampage, killing three people, at a housing estate in Phetchaburi on Wednesday, was killed by police in a shoot-out early on Thursday, ending a 15-hour standoff.

The man, 29-year-old Anuwat Laemthong, started shooting from a house in tambon Ton Mamuang from about 1.37pm on Wednesday.

About 100 police officers went the house, trying to convince the gunman to surrender.

At about 7pm, police brought his mother to the house. The mother tried to talk him into surrendering, but the man refused and continued shooting.

By that time, three men had been killed and three others injured.

Those killed were two students and a delivery truck driver.

The injured were an official and a police officer.

A team of commando police arrived at 6.10pm.

At 3.33am, the commando police stormed the house. Anuwat was shot dead on the second floor of the house, ending the 15-hour standoff at 3.47am.

Anuwat worked as a forest ranger at the Thap Lan National Park for six months in 2020, but his work contract was not extended.

He was indicted in a legal case in November 2022.

Anuwat Waenthong, 29. (Photo: Royal Thai Police)

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  • commando: a soldier trained to attack in areas controlled by an enemy - สมาชิกของหน่วยจู่โจม
  • convince: to make somebody/yourself believe that something is true; to persuade somebody to do something - ทำให้เชื่อ, ทำให้แน่ใจ, ชักจูง
  • extend: to continue for a particular period of time or to add more time - ยืดออกไป
  • indicted (verb): officially accused someone of a serious crime - ถูกฟ้องร้อง
  • injured (adj): hurt in an accident, natural disaster, attack, etc. - ได้รับบาดเจ็บ
  • rampage (noun): a sudden period of wild and violent behaviour, often causing damage and destruction - การอาละวาด,ความวุ่นวาย,ความโมโห,การวิ่งพล่าน
  • ranger: a person whose job is to take care of a park, a forest or an area of countryside - เจ้าหน้าที่ดูแลป่าหรืออุทยาน
  • refuse: to say you not want something that has been offered to you - ปฏิเสธ
  • standoff: a disagreement or fight in which neither opponent can do anything to win or achieve their aim; a stalemate - สถานการณ์ที่ต่างเอาชนะกันไม่ได้
  • storm: to use force to enter a place and try to take control of it - บุกกระหน่ำ
  • surrender: to give yourself up - ยอมจำนน
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