Evidence implicates police officer in ‘Aem Cyanide’ case

Sararat Rangsiwuthaporn, dubbed Aem Cyanide, is taken to the Criminal Court on April 26. She was charged with killing a woman with cyanide in Ratchaburi and is a suspect in 13 other cases. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)
Sararat Rangsiwuthaporn, dubbed Aem Cyanide, is taken to the Criminal Court on April 26. She was charged with killing a woman with cyanide in Ratchaburi and is a suspect in 13 other cases. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)

Investigators have obtained evidence implicating a police officer in offences committed by alleged cyanide killer Sararat “Aem” Rangsiwuthaporn.

A source said investigators were expected to apply for a warrant for a police lieutenant colonel, said to be the prime suspect’s former husband, Pol Lt Col Withoon Rangsiwuthaporn.

The source said investigators had found that millions of baht had been transferred from her bank accounts to bank accounts held by the police officer.

Investigators on Tuesday questioned Pol Lt Col Withoon, deputy superintendent of the Suan Phueng police station in Ratchaburi, for the second time.

Earlier, the officer said that he and Ms Sararat divorced three years ago, but they still lived in the same house because they had to help each other take care of their two children.

During that time, Pol Lt Col Withoon gave money to his ex-wife to lend out. When she made profits, she transferred the money back to him but the amounts were not high, he reportedly said.

Investigators are thoroughly examining the money trail of the pair. They are also trying to determine if Pol Lt Col Withoon was aware when Ms Sararat committed the murders.

Police said on Tuesday that there were now 14 dead victims and one survivor.

Ms Sararat, 36, dubbed “Aem Cyanide", was arrested on April 25. Currently four months pregnant, she is being held without bail at the Central Women’s Correctional Institute.

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  • bail: money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money  - เงินประกัน; การประกันตัว (deny bail (of a court) to refuse to allow someone to go free on bail ไม่ให้ประกันตัว)
  • cyanide: a powerful poison that can kill people -
  • determine: to discover something by examining evidence to or calculate something - กำหนด, ระบุ, แสดงผล
  • divorce: to take legal action to end a marriage - หย่า
  • implicate: to show or suggest that someone is involved in something illegal or morally wrong   - โยงใยถึง, เกี่ยวพันกับ
  • investigators (noun): people whose jobs are to officially find out the facts about something - ผู้สอบสวน, ผู้สำรวจ, ผู้ตรวจสอบ
  • lend (verb): (past form: lent) to give money to someone who agrees to pay it back in the future - ให้ยืม
  • money trail: where a sum of money has been sent - ปลายทางผู้รับเงิน
  • offence: a crime or illegal activity for which there is a punishment - การกระทำผิดกฎหมาย
  • prime suspect: the person police think is most likely to have committed a crime -
  • source: a place where information comes from; someone who gives information - แหล่งข่าว
  • survivor: someone who still exists after an event that could have killed or destroyed them - ผู้รอดชีวิต
  • transfer: to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person or group to another - ย้าย
  • warrant (noun): a legal document that is signed by a judge and gives the police authority to do something - หมาย
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