Phuket governor condemns New Zealand brothers

Pol Sen Sgt Maj Somsak Noo-iad from the Chalong police station is assaulted by a New Zealand tourist on a roadside in Phuket on Saturday. (Photo supplied)
Pol Sen Sgt Maj Somsak Noo-iad from the Chalong police station is assaulted by a New Zealand tourist on a roadside in Phuket on Saturday. (Photo supplied)

The Phuket governor condemned the New Zealand brothers who attacked a traffic policeman and stole his gun on Saturday, saying their serious violation of Thai law is completely unacceptable.

"Such an attack, no matter whether it happens to our officials or [ordinary] people, is intolerable," Phuket governor Sophon Suwannarat told a press conference at the Phuket provincial police office on Monday.

He was talking about two New Zealanders who attacked a traffic policeman on Saturday.

"The behaviour was improper and illegal... It sets a very bad example in a tourist province like Phuket... Serious action will be taken to protect the tourism atmosphere of Phuket... Visitors and Thai people in Phuket must be safe," the governor said.

The Phuket police chief said that Hamish Day, 34, and Oscar Day, 36, rode their rented motorcycles dangerously fast past the Chalong police station on Chaofa (West) Road at 4.10pm on Saturday, without using the left lane as required by law.

Pol Sen Sgt Maj Somsak Noo-iad, on duty in front of the police station, ordered them to stop but they ignored him. The policeman then pursued the two tourists and asked for a backup team via radio.

The visitors later stopped in front of a restaurant on Chaofa (East) Road. The policeman told them that they had violated traffic law for resisting his stop order. The policeman also asked for their driving licences.

At this point, the New Zealanders offered a bribe but the policeman rejected it and told them to pay their fine at the police station, the chief said.

In response, they walked towards their motorcycles. Somsak then used his mobile phone to take their pictures.

The brothers then became angry. One of them attacked the policeman, wrestled him to the ground and tried to take his gun.

During the struggle, the gun was fired once but no one was hit.

The attacker was a mixed martial arts fighter, the Phuket police chief said. He took the gun and handed it to his brother.

The backup team arrived a few minutes later.

The New Zealanders' tourist visas were revoked and they would be blacklisted.

A vehicle rental firm would be fined 2,000 baht for renting motorcycles to people without a driving licence, the chief said.

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  • blacklist (verb): to put the name of a person, a company, a product or a country on a blacklist (a list of the names of people, companies, products or countries that an organization or a government considers unacceptable and that must be avoided) - ใส่ในบัญชีรายชื่อของคนที่ทำไม่ดี
  • bribe: money or a present given to someone so that they will help you doing something dishonest or illegal - สินบน
  • chief: a person with a high rank or the highest rank in a company or an organisation - หัวหน้า, ผู้นำ
  • condemn: to criticise something or someone strongly - ประนาม
  • governor: a person who is chosen to be in charge of the government of a state or province or a government agency - ผู้ว่าการรัฐ, ผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัด
  • ignore: to fail to pay attention to; to pretend that you have not noticed or do not know about something - เพิกเฉย
  • improper: not suited or appropriate to the situation - ไม่เหมาะสม ไม่สมควร
  • intolerable: impossible to bear or deal with - ซึ่งสุดที่จะทนได้
  • law (noun): the whole system of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey - กฎหมาย
  • licence: an official document that gives someone permission to do or use something - ใบอนุญาต
  • pursue: to chase someone or something in order to catch them - ไล่ตาม
  • require: to make somebody do or have something, especially because it is necessary according to a particular law or set of rules - บังคับใช้ (กฎหมาย) กำหนด
  • revoke: to officially say that something is no longer legal - เพิกถอน
  • violate: to do something that is against a law, rule or agreement - ฝ่าฝืน, ละเมิด
  • wrestle: to take, pull, or hold something with difficulty - ต่อสู้กันอุตลุด
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