Bangkok school director expelled for taking bribe

Viroj Samruan holds a rose as students and former students of Samsenwittayalai School give him moral support in the wake of the bribery scandal at the school in June last year. (File photo by Chanat Katanyu)
Viroj Samruan holds a rose as students and former students of Samsenwittayalai School give him moral support in the wake of the bribery scandal at the school in June last year. (File photo by Chanat Katanyu)

The Bangkok provincial education committee on Tuesday expelled Viroj Samruan from the civil service, effective immediately, for taking a bribe while director of Samsenwittayalai School. He loses all pension and welfare benefits.

Education permanent secretary Karun Sakulpradit, chairman of the committee, said Mr Viroj was hit with the most severe disciplinary penalty for having received 400,000 baht in exchange for admitting a student to Mathayom 1 (grade 7) at the school in the 2017 academic year.

The committee's resolution was unanimous with all six votes in favour. Consequently, Mr Viroj would not receive any benefits from the state, including a pension, Mr Karun said.

He also said two more school officials were also under investigation for alleged bribery. The findings would be reported to the Bangkok provincial education committee in the near future.

This incident came to light last June after a parent circulated a video clip showing Mr Viroj receiving the money, allegedly to accept a child into Mathayom 1.

The Office of the Basic Education Commission set up a committee to look into disciplinary action against him in July.

The committee then transferred Mr Viroj to a temporary position at Secondary Education Service Area Office 1 to ensure the probe was transparent and without interference.

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  • bribery: the crime of giving money or presents to someone so that they will help you by doing something dishonest or illegal - การให้สินบน
  • disciplinary: related to the punishment of people who do not obey the rules - การลงโทษเนื่องจากการฝ่าฝืนวินัย หรือระเบียบ
  • incident: something that happens, usually something bad - เหตุการณ์
  • interference: the process of deliberately becoming involved in a situation and trying to influence the way that it develops - การเข้าแทรกแซง
  • probe: an attempt to find out the truth about an issue, problem or accident, made by an official group (or by the media); an investigation - การตรวจสอบ  การสอบสวน
  • severe: very serious and unpleasant - รุนแรง
  • transparent: not keeping anything secret; open - โปร่งใส
  • unanimous: agreed by everyone - เป็นเอกฉันท์
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