Couple in uni sex video surrender

Police said the couple behind a viral sex video filmed on Kasetsart University's Bangkok campus turned themselves in on Tuesday and confessed they had uploaded the clip to a porn site.

The unnamed 30-year-old man and 24-year-old woman showed up at Bang Khen police station at noon on Tuesday to admit they had made the sex video on a tennis court on the campus.

The couple said they had gone to the tennis court on the night of Jan 10 to make the clip and upload it to their own website, as well as to the website Pornhub, under the title "Thai teen sex outdoor beside the tennis court". 

Police said they claimed this was their first sex video, though they had set up a Twitter account called "WhiteFoxSex” to connect with customers. Subscribers are required to pay 300 baht into a bank account under the name of a 16-year-old girl for a password to gain access, then 150 baht per month. 

The couple said they just wanted to imitate porn stars. The man said he was also completing graduate studies at a local university. 

The pair now face charges of lewd conduct and disseminating obscene content online.

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  • campus (noun): the buildings of a university, college or business and the land around them - พื้นที่ที่เป็นที่ตั้งของมหาวิทยาลัย
  • conduct: the way someone behaves, especially in relation to particular rules or accepted ways of behaving - ความประพฤติ
  • disseminate: to spread or give out something, especially news, information, ideas, etc., to a lot of people - เผยแพร่
  • imitate: to copy something - เลียนแบบ
  • lewd: referring to sex in a rude and offensive way - ลามก
  • obscene: connected with sex in a way that most people find offensive - ลามก
  • subscriber: someone who pays money to an organization in order to receive a product, use a service regularly or support the organisation - ผู้ใช้บริการ
  • surrender: to give yourself up - ยอมจำนน

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