New rules upset nightspot operators
published : 23 Jun 2020 at 08:14
writer: Gary Boyle

Operators of nightlife entertainment venues are not happy with a set of proposed reopening rules.
A total of 22 rules are listed in the draft, which was unveiled on Monday. The draft will be submitted to the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) on Friday.
The CCSA is set to consider the fifth phase of the loosening of Covid-19 restrictions, which includes nightlife venues.
The coronavirus outbreak has closed pubs, karaoke outlets, massage parlours and other types of adult entertainment venues since March.
Operators have been hoping to reopen next month.

Musicians and entertainers last week asked the government to allow them to return to work. They said the closure has been long and the situation has caused them financial difficulty.
On Sunday, CCSA promised to allow nightlife venues to resume during the fifth phase in July. However, operators have expressed concern over rules that prohibit dancing, mingling and having more than a certain number of customers.
The operators say limiting customers to five per group may keep them from coming.
The president of the Khao San Business Association said the rules for entertainment venues are more strict than the ones for restaurants and filming crews.
Learn from listening
- draft: not in a final form and likely to be changed - ร่าง
- financial: involving money - เกี่ยวกับเงิน, ทางการเงิน
- hope (verb): to want something to happen - หวัง
- loosening (noun): making something weaker or less controlled than before - การลดหย่อน, การผ่อนคลาย
- mingling: mixing together - ผสม
- prohibit: to not allow; to ban - ห้าม
- resume: to begin again after stopping for a period of time - เริ่มอีกครั้ง, กลับมาอีกครั้ง
- strict: demanding that rules are obeyed; very careful and exact - เข้มงวด
- unveil: to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time - เปิดเผย, ประกาศให้รู้ทั่วไป
- Keywords
- entertainment venues
- operators
- rules
- venues