Samui ferry capsize: 1 dead, 2 more rescued, 4 still missing

A woman cries over the body of Tewin Surat, the capsized Raja 4 ferry skipper, after it was transported to Koh Samui on Sunday. (Photo by Sunthorn Pongpao)
A woman cries over the body of Tewin Surat, the capsized Raja 4 ferry skipper, after it was transported to Koh Samui on Sunday. (Photo by Sunthorn Pongpao)

Two of the seven people who went missing after a ferry capsized off Koh Samui island on Saturday night have been rescued, leaving four missing, while the body of the skipper was recovered, governor Wichawut Jinto announced on Sunday.

The Raja 4 ferry operated by Raja Ferry Plc was loaded with garbage, three 10-wheel lorries and a pick-up truck, heading for Don Sak pier on the mainland. About two nautical miles from Koh Samui, the ferry was hit by a strong storm and high waves and capsized at about 10pm.

Twelve of the 16 passengers on board were employees of Raja Ferry, 11 crew members and a saleswoman. The four others were drivers of the three lorries and the pick-up.

A rescue operation centre was set up on Koh Samui. 

Two marine police patrol boats were dispatched on the rescue mission. They were able to rescue nine people on Saturday night, leaving seven others still missing.

The operation continued into the night, with three army helicopters helping the search.

A file photo shows Raja 4, the ferry that sank off Koh Samui on Saturday night.

At about 12pm on Sunday, two of the missing were found on Koh Taen island, about 2 nautical miles from where the ferry capsized. They had managed to swim to the island, where local residents gave them food and water. 

At 1.30pm, the rescue team found the body of a man on Koh Mod Daeng island, near Koh Taen. He was identified as Tewin Surat, the ferry skipper.

Four people who had been on board the ferry were still missing. 

Mr Pachara, a survivor, said he drifted in the sea for two or three hours, kept afloat by a rubber buoy. At one point, he saw a marine police boat some distance from him, but was unable to attract the attention of anyone on board. He was eventually blown by the wind toward Koh Taen island, where he scrambled ashore at about 8am and was helped by islanders.

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  • attract attention (verb): to cause someone to be interested in something - ดึงดูดความสนใจ
  • buoy (noun): an object that floats on top of the water to show ships and boats where it is safe and where it is dangerous -
  • capsize: (of a boat or other object) to turn over in the water - คว่ำ, พลิกคว่ำ
  • crew members (noun): the people who work on a ship, aircraft, television programme, etc. - กลุ่มคนที่ทำงานร่วมกัน, ลูกเรือ
  • ferry: a boat for taking passengers across an area of water, especially as a regular service - เรือรับส่งข้ามฟาก
  • garbage: waste food, paper, etc. that you throw away - ขยะ
  • lorry: a truck; a large road vehicle used for carrying goods - รถบรรทุก
  • nautical mile: a unit of distance used at sea which is equal to 1852 metres -
  • rescue: saving a person or animal from a dangerous or unpleasant situation - การช่วยชีวิต
  • rescue: to save a person or animal from a dangerous or unpleasant situation - ช่วยชีวิต
  • scramble: to move quickly but with difficulty; to take quick action to solve a problem - ทำอย่างรีบเร่ง
  • skipper: the captain or manager of a team - ผู้นำทีม

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