FDA approves Johnson & Johnson vaccine

A vial of the Johnson & Johnson's coronavirus disease vaccine is seen at Northwell Health's South Shore University Hospital in Bay Shore, New York, on March 3 this year. (Reuters photo)
A vial of the Johnson & Johnson's coronavirus disease vaccine is seen at Northwell Health's South Shore University Hospital in Bay Shore, New York, on March 3 this year. (Reuters photo)

Thailand has cleared Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot Covid-19 vaccine for local emergency use.

The Food and Drug Administration approved the vaccine on Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said in a post on Facebook.

Vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Sinovac Biotech were previously approved and are being used in the national inoculation programme.

The approval showed that Thailand is open to all vaccine manufacturers and is keen to provide more choices to its people, Mr Anutin said.

So far, more than 5,800 are fully vaccinated and 96,000 more have received their first jabs.

The government has so far approved plans to purchase a total of 63 million doses and is in talks to procure an additional 5 million doses from Sinovac, according to officials. It aims to inoculate at least 50% of the nation’s population before the end of 2021.

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  • approve (verb): to officially agree to a plan, request, etc. - เห็นชอบ, เห็นด้วย
  • dose: an amount of drug that has been measured so that you can take it - ปริมาณยาที่ให้ต่อครั้ง
  • inoculate: to treat a person or animal with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease -
  • inoculation (noun): an act of protecting a person or an animal from catching a particular disease by injecting them with a mild form of the disease - การฉีดวัคซีน,
  • jab: a vaccination - การฉีดวัคซีน
  • keen: very interested in an activity - สนใจอย่างยิ่ง
  • procure: to buy supplies or equipment for a government department or company - จัดซื้อวัสดุ เครื่องมือสำหรับบริษัท หรือหน่วยงานของรัฐ
  • vaccinate: to give someone a vaccine, usually by injection (putting a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle and a syringe), to prevent them from getting a disease - ฉีดวัคซีน
  • vaccine: a substance which contains a form that is not harmful of a virus and which is given to a person or animal to prevent them from getting the disease which the virus causes - วัคซีน
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