Bodies of 2 missing teachers found

People gather on the bridge across Bang Phra canal in Muang district of Trat as rescue workers search for the two women teachers who jumped from there into the canal on Tuesday. (Photo:@sawangboontrat rescue Facebook page)
People gather on the bridge across Bang Phra canal in Muang district of Trat as rescue workers search for the two women teachers who jumped from there into the canal on Tuesday. (Photo:@sawangboontrat rescue Facebook page)

The search for two women teachers who jumped together off a bridge into a canal in Trat province on Tuesday has ended, with one body found on Tuesday night and the other on Wednesday morning.

Searchers on Wednesday found the body of Paweena Patnuson, 45, one kilometre from the bridge about 7.30am, police said. 

Paweena and 61-year-old retired teacher Lakkhana Phanarot both jumped off the bridge into the canal on Tuesday morning, leaving two farewell letters to their children inside a car parked on the bridge.

Paweena's son and relatives confirmed it was her. 

On Tuesday night, rescuers and divers found Lakkhana's body in water  4-5 metres deep about 100 metres from Bang Phra bridge.

Both women taught at Nong Khansong School in Muang district.

They left handwritten letters explaining why they were taking their own lives. 

In Paweena’s letter, she said she was bankrupt because she had been cheated. She apologised to her two children, and to those people she had borrowed money from. 


  • bankrupt: without enough money to pay what you owe - ล้มละลาย
  • borrow: to take money from a bank, financial organisation, person, etc. and pay it back over a period of time - ยืม
  • cheat (verb): to trick somebody or make them believe something which is not true - โกง
  • confirm (verb): to state or show that something is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence - ยืนยัน
  • diver: a person who works underwater, usually with special equipment - นักดำน้ำ
  • farewell: saying goodbye to someone when you do not expect to see them again for a long time - การกล่าวลา, การลาจาก
  • handwritten: not typed or printed from computer; written by hand either with pencil or pen -
  • retired: no longer working because you have reached the age where you are officially too old to work or you want to stop working - เกษียณอายุ
  • searcher (noun): a person who is trying to find something/somebody - ผู้คนคว้า
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