Masks rule to stay for public transport

Aekkachai: People need to be aware.
Aekkachai: People need to be aware.

Wearing face masks on public transport and in cinemas is still mandatory, the Department of Health said.

Covid-19 will be eased from a dangerous communicable disease to a communicable disease under surveillance on Saturday, as re-stated on Thursday by Dr Aekkachai Piansriwatchara, a deputy director of the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health.

The department still mandates that people wear face masks and respect social distancing rules as much as possible when using public transport or visiting the cinema, due to the density of people packed closely together, Dr Aekkachai said.

He answered a question on how people's lives will change by saying they will improve, referring to their better health awareness compared to earlier in the pandemic.

A survey carried out by the Department of Health on 274,400 people showed that most respondents agreed on the need to retain the health measures, while some expressed concern about the hygiene of certain public places.

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  • awareness: the state of knowing about something - การรับรู้, การทราบ
  • communicable disease: a disease that can spread from one person or animal to another - โรคที่สามารถติดต่อได้
  • density: the amount of something in a place - ความหนาแน่น
  • ease: to make a problem, situation or pain less severe or serious - บรรเทา
  • hygiene: the degree to which people keep themselves or their environment clean, especially to prevent disease - สุขลักษณะ
  • mandate: given the authority to do something; ordered to do something - มอบอำนาจ (ให้ทำบางสิ่ง), ให้อำนาจ, บังคับ
  • mandatory: ordered by a law or rule - ตามข้อบังคับ
  • respondent (noun): someone who answers questions - ผู้ตอบคำถาม/แบบสำรวจ
  • surveillance: the process of carefully watching a person or place - การเฝ้าตรวจตราอย่างเข้มงวด
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