Musk unveils Tesla's new robot 'Optimus'

Musk, right, presents a prototype of humanoid robot, called Optimus, during an artificial-intelligence event in Palo Alto, California on Friday. (Photo: Tesla Inc via AFP)
Musk, right, presents a prototype of humanoid robot, called Optimus, during an artificial-intelligence event in Palo Alto, California on Friday. (Photo: Tesla Inc via AFP)

Elon Musk has showed off a new humanoid robot, part of the Tesla Inc. chief executive's effort to present the company as more than an electric-vehicle maker.

Musk presented the robot at an artificial-intelligence event in Palo Alto, California.

The early prototype took a few steps, waved to the crowd, and performed some basic dance moves.

"Our goal is to make a useful humanoid robot as quickly as possible," Musk said, with the goal of being able to make them at high volume and low cost.

"It is expected to cost much less than a car," he said, with a price point below $20,000.

Customers should be able to receive the robot, once ordered, in three to five years, Musk said. It isn't yet for sale.

The battery-powered robot should be able to handle difficult chores, Tesla said, including lifting a half-ton, nine-foot concert grand piano.

Musk added that it would have conversational capabilities and feature safeguards to prevent wrongdoing by the machine.

The Tesla boss has also suggested the robot could serve broader functions and potentially alleviate labour shortages.

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  • alleviate: to make something less painful, severe, or serious - ทำให้บรรเทา ทำให้น้อยลง
  • artificial intelligence: an area of study concerned with making computers copy intelligent human behaviour - ปัญญาประดิษฐ์
  • chores: jobs which are often boring or unpleasant but need to be done regularly - งานบ้าน
  • humanoid (noun): a machine or creature that looks and behaves like a human - เครื่องที่มีลักษณะของมนุษย์
  • labour: work, especially hard physical work - งานที่ใช้พละกำลัง
  • prototype (noun): a copy or version of a product made before it is produced in large quantities to show it to people - ต้นแบบ, ชิ้นงานที่สร้างขึ้นเป็นแบบฉบับเพื่อสร้างชิ้นงานอื่นให้มีลักษณะเดียวกัน มีรูปทรง ขนาดสัดส่วน โครงสร้างที่แสดงรายละเอียด สามารถใช้งานได้ตามที่ออกแบบไว้ทุกประการ วัสดุที่นำมาสร้างต้นแบบอาจเป็นวัสดุที่ใช้จริง หรือวัสดุทดแทนก็ได้
  • safeguard: something which protects something/somebody from loss, harm or damage; something which keeps something/somebody safe - สิ่งป้องกัน, สิ่งคุ้มกัน
  • shortages (noun): when there is not enough of certain things - การขาดแคลน
  • unveil: to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time - เปิดเผย, ประกาศให้รู้ทั่วไป
  • volume (noun): an amount of something - ปริมาณ
  • wrongdoing: breaking the law or doing something "wrong" - กระทำผิดศีลธรรม, ละเมิดกฎหมาย
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