Gold shop owner shoots one of four robbers

Two thieves are seen using tools to cut the steel bars at a gold shop in Muang district of Tak on Thursday afternoon. (Capture from a video posted by Ek Kiattisak Mae Sot Facebook page)
Two thieves are seen using tools to cut the steel bars at a gold shop in Muang district of Tak on Thursday afternoon. (Capture from a video posted by Ek Kiattisak Mae Sot Facebook page)

A gold shop owner shot and wounded one of four men trying to rob his business in Tak on Thursday afternoon. Another man was arrested and two others fled.

The shooting occurred in front of the Yaowarat gold shop, said police who were alerted around 1pm.

On arriving at the shop, police found one man lying face down in a pool of blood on the floor in front of the shop. He was seriously wounded and rushed to hospital.

The shop owner told police that four men riding on two motorcycles with no licence plates had parked their bikes in front of his shop. The men, all wearing face masks and caps, walked toward the shop and some of them fired shots at a glass door.

After they kicked at the door to enter the shop, the owner told his wife to run inside. He fired one shot in self-defence while two of the robbers were trying to cut through steel bars to get in. The gunshot caused them to flee. He fired four more shots that hit one thief on his motorcycle, and the man fell to the floor.

The two other men managed to flee on their motorcycle while the other suspect set off on foot but was later caught by police.


  • flee (past form: fled) (verb): to leave a place or person quickly because you are afraid of possible danger or consequences - หนี
  • licence plate: a flat piece of metal or plastic on the front and back of a vehicle that shows its license number - แผ่นป้ายทะเบียนรถยนต์
  • pool of blood (noun): a large amount of blood on a surface after a person or animal has been killed or wounded -
  • robber: a person who steals from a person or place, especially using violence or threats - โจร, คนปล้น, คนชิงทรัพย์
  • self-defence: something you say or do in order to protect yourself when you are being attacked, criticised, etc - การป้องกันตัวเอง
  • wounded: injured, especially where your skin or flesh is damaged, usually seriously - บาดเจ็บ
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