3 cops offered VVIP service to Chinese visitor

A white Yamaha MT-09 motorcycle is parked at the Traffic Police Division in Bangkok on Sunday. It was believed to be involved in the controversial escort service claimed by a Chinese visitor. (Photo supplied)
A white Yamaha MT-09 motorcycle is parked at the Traffic Police Division in Bangkok on Sunday. It was believed to be involved in the controversial escort service claimed by a Chinese visitor. (Photo supplied)

A police captain from the Tourist Police Bureau and two traffic police sergeants were involved in providing a controversial VVIP service to a female Chinese visitor, rushing her through immigration and escorting her from Suvarnabhumi airport to Pattaya, according to senior police.

Police said on Sunday a probe identified the three policemen in a video clip shot by a female Chinese visitor to support her claim that she had paid thousands of baht for special treatment from authorities.

She was whisked through immigration at Suvarnabhumi airport and then given a motorcycle escort, complete with siren and flashing lights, to her hotel in Pattaya late on Thursday night.

The three policemen were under investigation, with the two traffic policemen transferred to inactive posts.

Apart from the three policemen, their supervisors would also be investigated, the source said.

A white Yamaha MT-09 motorcycle was parked at the Traffic Police Division in Bangkok on Sunday. It was believed to be the motorcycle used to escort the Chinese visitor. The motorcycle was registered as a private vehicle, not a police vehicle, but had a siren and emergency lights.

The deputy commissioner of the Tourist Police Bureau said a private vehicle was used in the police escort, so the policemen concerned did not commit a criminal offence but were considered to have behaved improperly.

No organisations requested special treatment for any tourist that day, and the service was believed to have been provided to the visitor as a sideline, he said.

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  • commissioner: the head of a particular police force in some countries - ผู้ตรวจการณ์
  • controversial: causing disagreement or disapproval - ความไม่ลงรอยกัน
  • escort: a person or group of people or vehicles that travels with somebody/something in order to protect or guard them - คนคุ้มครอง
  • immigration: dealing with people entering and leaving the country - การตรวจคนเข้าเมือง
  • improperly (adv): in a way that is not suited or appropriate to the situation - ไม่เหมาะสม ไม่สมควร
  • inactive post: a job or position with no real responsibilities or duties -
  • investigate: to try to find out the facts about something in order to learn the truth about it - ตรวจสอบหาความจริง
  • offence: a crime or illegal activity for which there is a punishment - การกระทำผิดกฎหมาย
  • private: owned by a particular person or group - ของส่วนบุคคล, ของเอกชน
  • probe: an investigation - การสอบสวน
  • sideline: some extra activity you do, in addition to the main one -
  • siren: a piece of equipment that makes a loud sound, used for warning people - เสียงหวอ, ไซเรน, สัญญาณเตือนภัย
  • treatment: a way of behaving towards or dealing with a person or thing - การปฏิบัติ
  • whisk: to move someone or something very quickly - พาออกไปอย่างรวดเร็ว
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