Immigration officers suspended over extortion case
published : 22 Mar 2023 at 15:31
writer: Gary Boyle

Four immigration officers accused of the abduction and extortion of a Chinese man and his Thai interpreter have been suspended from the police force pending further investigation.
The four are accused of the abduction of a Chinese man and a Thai woman and extortion of cryptocurrency worth about one million baht.
The Chinese man and his interpreter said a group of men abducted them from a house in Din Daeng area on March 10. Then the men extorted them.
Around 11.45pm on Tuesday, officers took three of the four accused officers to Din Daeng police station.
During questioning, they denied any involvement in the abduction.
The fourth man remained at large.
Learn from listening
- abduct: to take somebody away illegally, especially using force - ลักพาตัว
- abduction: taking somebody away illegally, especially using force - การลักพาตัว
- accused: to be said to have done something wrong or committed a crime - ถูกกล่าวหา
- at large: not having been caught by the police - ลอยนวล, ยังไม่ถูกจับกุม
- cryptocurrency (noun): one of a number of currencies used as digital cash without involving the banking system -
- denied (verb): said that something is not true or did not happen - ปฏิเสธ
- extort: to try to illegally obtain something by force or threat - รีดไถ
- extortion: the crime of trying to obtain something by force or threat - การขู่กรรโชก รีดไถ
- immigration officer: an official who works for the government agency dealing with people entering and leaving the country and those who want to live there - เจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง
- interpreter: someone who changes what someone else is saying into another language - ล่าม
- involvement: the act or process of taking part in something - การเกี่ยวข้อง
- pending: waiting to be dealt with, settled or completed - ยังค้างอยู่, ซึ่งยังไม่จบสิ้น, อยู่ในระหว่าง
- questioning: when the police asks a person questions in the investigation of a crime -
- suspended (verb): not allowed to participate or to do a job for a period of time; not allowed to be used for a period of time - ถูกระงับ