Massage parlour closed after pub raid

Chinese patrons wait inside a pub found to be operating illegally on the premises of a massage parlour in Huai Khwang district of Bangkok after a police raid around 3am on Friday. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)
Chinese patrons wait inside a pub found to be operating illegally on the premises of a massage parlour in Huai Khwang district of Bangkok after a police raid around 3am on Friday. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has revoked the licence of a massage parlour in Huai Khwang district following a police raid on a pub inside the building where many Chinese tourists were found using drugs.

Two senior police officers attached to the Makkasan police station were transferred to inactive posts following the raid that took place at Meree Massage on New Phetchaburi Road at 3am on Friday.

Authorities had to shut down the massage parlour because the illegal pub was located inside the same building.

A complaint would be filed against the pub for operating without permission. The offence carries a jail term of up to 6 months and/or a fine of up to 50,000 baht.

On Friday, police raided the Diamond KTV pub inside the massage parlour and arrested 48 Chinese tourists and five Thais.

At least four types of drugs — cocaine, ketamine, ecstasy and “happy water”, which is an illicit drug cocktail — were confiscated.

Police said on Saturday that a total of 56 people, including the 48 Chinese tourists, were detained during the raid.

Authorities said on Friday that the operation of the business they raided was similar to that of the infamous Jinling pub. The latter was the target of a raid last year that started investigations into Chinese gang activity in the country.


  • complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การร้องเรียน
  • confiscate: to officially remove someone’s possessions for legal reasons or as a punishment   - ยึดทรัพย์
  • detained: kept in a place and not allowed to leave - กักตัว ควบคุมตัวหรือฝากขัง
  • gang (noun): a group of criminals who work together; a group of young people who spend time together causing trouble - แก๊ง, กลุ่มโจร
  • inactive post: a job or position with no real responsibilities or duties -
  • infamous (adj): well known for something bad - เสียชื่อ, น่าอับอาย, น่าขายหน้
  • latter: used for referring to the second of two people, things, or groups that have just been mentioned - อันหลัง,ครึ่งหลัง,ส่วนที่สอง
  • licence: an official document that gives someone permission to do or use something - ใบอนุญาต
  • parlour: a shop that provides particular goods or services - ร้านค้า (เช่น ร้านเสริมสวย)
  • permission: allowing someone to do something - การอนุญาต,การอนุมัติ,การยินยอม
  • raid (noun): a short (surprise) attack on an enemy or group - การจู่โจม,การโจมตี, การบุกเข้า
  • revoke: to officially say that something is no longer legal - เพิกถอน
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