Thailand cuts power to two Myanmar towns

Shwe Kokko, a Myanmar border town across the Moei river opposite Ban Wang Pha in Tak's Mae Ramat district of Thailand, with the lights still on. (Photo: Assawin Pinitwong)
Shwe Kokko, a Myanmar border town across the Moei river opposite Ban Wang Pha in Tak's Mae Ramat district of Thailand, with the lights still on. (Photo: Assawin Pinitwong)

The Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) of Thailand has cut off the supply of electricity across the Moei river to two border towns in Myanmar where groups of Chinese businessmen have made huge illegal investments, at the request of the Myanmar government, Thai official sources said.

The two border towns are Shwe Kokko, opposite Thailand's Mae Ramat district, and Ban Le Le Ko, opposite Mae Sot district. Both are in Myanmar's Karen State.

Chinese businessmen were reported to have invested more than US$1.5 billion in casinos, entertainment complexes and housing estates in the towns.

The sources said on Tuesday the Myanmar government had stopped supplying electricity to the two towns and asked Thailand to do likewise.

The border checkpoints at both friendship bridges across the Moei river linking Mae Sot and Myawaddy remained open to travellers and cargo trucks as usual on Tuesday.

Sources at several security units believed local Myanmar people would not be much affected, as they were used to living without electricity. However, the Chinese investors in the two towns, especially those running entertainment venues, would suffer.

Thai and foreign workers, as well as the Chinese investors, might look for new locations, including Mae Sot, to do business, they said. 


  • affected (verb): having received an effect or influence - ถูกผลกระทบ, มีผลต่อ
  • border: the official line separating two areas, regions or countries - เขตแดน อาณาเขต
  • casino: a building where gambling games, especially roulette and card games are played for money - บ่อนการพนัน
  • investors (noun): people or organisations that invest money, i.e., use money with the aim of making a profit from it, for example by buying property or buying shares in a company - นักลงทุน
  • likewise: in a similar way; in the same way - ในทำนองเดียวกัน, เช่นเดียวกัน, อย่างเดียวกัน
  • opposite: across from or facing someone or something - ที่อยู่ตรงกันข้าม
  • suffer: to be badly affected by a very difficult or unpleasant situation - ประสบความลำบาก
  • supply: to provide somebody/something with something that they need or want, especially in large quantities - จัดหาให้, จัดส่งให้
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