Srettha disagrees with recreational use of cannabis

Cannabis plants are put on display at the Asia International Hemp Expo, held in Bangkok in November last year. (Photo: Somchai Poomlard)
Cannabis plants are put on display at the Asia International Hemp Expo, held in Bangkok in November last year. (Photo: Somchai Poomlard)

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin said on Friday he did not agree with allowing recreational use of cannabis, though its medical use would remain under his administration.

"Cannabis policy will be medical cannabis. On recreational use, I do not agree with that," Mr Srettha, who is also finance minister, told reporters.

Thailand's cannabis industry is projected to be worth up to US$1.2 billion (42.9 billion baht) over the next few years, with thousands of businesses springing up since last year's legalisation of the consumption and growing of the drug.

Earlier this week, Mr Srettha unveiled a slew of economic policies aimed at boosting consumption and spending as recovery drags in Southeast Asia's second-biggest economy.

"This is a targeted policy, domestic spending will increase enormously," the former business tycoon said, referring to his signature policy of a 10,000 baht giveaway via digital wallet to all Thais.

On Thursday, the prime minister said the government will use the Krungthai Bank Pao Tang mobile application for its digital wallet project, and the app will be integrated with blockchain technology.


  • administration: government - รัฐบาล
  • blockchain (noun): the technology behind Bitcoin -
  • cannabis (noun): marijuana; a drug made from the dried leaves and flowers or resin of the hemp plant, which is smoked or eaten and which gives the user a feeling of being relaxed. Use of the drug is illegal in many countries. - กัญชา
  • consumption: using, eating or drinking something - การบริโภค
  • legalisation (noun): the fact of making something legal - นิติกรณ์
  • project: to calculate based on information already known - คาดคะเน, ประเมิน
  • recreational: involving enjoyment - เกี่ยวการสันทนาการ
  • slew: a large number or amount of something - จำนวนมาก
  • tycoon: a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful - นักธุรกิจที่ร่ำรวยและมีอิทธิพลมาก
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