Thaksin's parole must wait until February

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra waves to his supporters as he arrives at Don Muang Airport on Aug 22. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)
Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra waves to his supporters as he arrives at Don Muang Airport on Aug 22. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra can legally file a parole application at the earliest in February next year, according to the Department of Corrections.

Sitthi Sutivong, deputy director-general of the department, said on Monday that an ill convict who is 70 years old or over can apply for parole only after he serves at least one-third of his jail term or at least six months in jail.

As regulations requires the longer period to prevail, Thaksin, 74, must serve at least six months in prison before filing a parole request, Mr Sitthi said. One-third of a one-year jail term is four months.

The six-month waiting period will end in February next year. The administration of his prison can then send a parole request to the Department of Corrections, he said.

Mr Sitthi also said that Thaksin remained at Police General Hospital to receive continuous treatment and the hospital would send a report on the former prime minister's health to the Department of Corrections when his stay at the hospital reaches 30 days (this Thursday).

The department would then decide if he should be returned to Bangkok Remand Prison, Mr Sitthi said.

If Thaksin's condition does not improve or his doctor maintains that he needs continuous treatment at the hospital, the corrections director-general can permit his continued treatment outside the prison, Mr Sitthi said.

Thaksin, 74, returned to Thailand on the morning of Aug 22 after 15 years in self-exile.

The same day the Supreme Court ordered he be imprisoned for eight years for the three cases. His jail term was reduced to one year by His Majesty the King.

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  • administration: the people who plan, organize and run a business, an institution, etc - คณะบริหาร
  • condition: the physical state of a person, animal, thing or place - สภาพ
  • convict: someone who is or has been in prison because they have committed a crime - นักโทษ, ผู้ที่ถูกตัดสินว่ามีความผิด
  • Department of Corrections (noun): the government department in charge of running prisons - กรมราชทัณฑ์
  • exile: a situation in which you live in a foreign country because you feel you cannot live in your own country, usually for political reasons - การลี้ภัย การถูกขับออกนอกประเทศ
  • ill (adj): sick; not healthy - ป่วย, ไม่สบาย
  • imprisoned: in a prison or another place from which a person cannot escape - ถูกขัง
  • parole (noun): permission that is given to a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their sentence on condition that they behave well - การพ้นโทษอย่างมีเงื่อนไขหรือทำทัณฑ์บนไว้
  • permit (verb): to allow someone to do something - อนุญาต, อนุมัติ, ยินยอม
  • prevail: to be the strongest influence or element in a situation - เป็นจริง, มีอำนาจเหนือกว่า
  • prison: a place where criminals are put to stay for a period of time as punishment for a crime - คุก, ,เรือนจำ
  • treatment: the process of providing medical care - การรักษา
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