Six police held in ‘Kamnan Nok’ case moved to Bangkok prison

Police cars take six officers facing charges connected to a fatal shooting at a wealthy kamnan’s home in Nakhon Pathom to the Bangkok Remand Prison on Wednesday. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)
Police cars take six officers facing charges connected to a fatal shooting at a wealthy kamnan’s home in Nakhon Pathom to the Bangkok Remand Prison on Wednesday. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)

Six police officers dismissed from the force for helping Praween “Kamnan Nok” Chankhlai escape arrest following the fatal shooting of a policeman at his house have been moved to the Bangkok Remand Prison.

The six officers were dismissed from the force over their alleged involvement in the aftermath of the fatal shooting at a dinner party at the house of Mr Praween, then a kamnan in Nakhon Pathom, early this month. They were accused of helping the suspected gunman and Mr Praween to escape.

Mr Praween, 35, is also being detained at the Bangkok Remand Prison. He is a prime suspect in the murder of Pol Maj Sivakorn Saibua, a highway police officer, on the night of Sept 6. About 30 policemen reportedly attended the event.

According to earlier reports, Pol Maj Sivakorn had rejected Mr Praween’s request for the promotion of his nephew, a highway policeman. Gunman Thananchai Manmak, an associate of Mr Praween, subsequently fired multiple shots from close range at Pol Maj Sivakorn. He died and some stray bullets injured Pol Lt Col Wasin Panpee of Highway Police Sub-division 2.

The gunman was killed two days later in an exchange of fire with police in Kanchanaburi, and Mr Praween surrendered to police.

The Bangkok Remand Prison has eight zones but the six officers will be held in a different zone from Mr Praween, said a source familiar with the case.

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  • aftermath: the effects and results of something bad or important - ผลที่ตามมา
  • associate: someone you work with, especially in a business - ที่ร่วมมือกัน
  • close range: a very short distance away from something - ระยะใกล้มาก
  • detained: kept in a place and not allowed to leave - กักตัว ควบคุมตัวหรือฝากขัง
  • dismiss: to force someone to leave their job - ไล่ออกจากตำแหน่ง
  • exchange of fire: when two opposing sides shoot at each other -
  • force (noun): a group of people who have been trained to protect other people, usually by using weapons - กองกำลัง
  • kamnan (noun): the head of a tambon, a group of villages - กำนัน
  • nephew: a son of your brother or sister, or a son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister - หลานชาย
  • prime suspect: the person police think is most likely to have committed a crime -
  • promotion (noun): moving to a higher level; moving to a job at a higher level - การเลื่อนตำแหน่ง
  • reject: to not accept something - ปฏิเสธ ไม่ยอมรับ
  • stray: away from the correct place or path - พลัดหลง, หลงทาง
  • subsequently: happening or coming after something else - ซึ่งตามมา
  • surrender: to give yourself up - ยอมจำนน
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