Price cut for 150,000 items
published : 3 Oct 2023 at 08:09
writer: Gary Boyle

The prices of more than 150,000 products and services will be cut by as much as 87%, from now until the end of December.
Speaking after a meeting with manufacturers, distributors, malls, local markets and service providers, Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai said that as a part of the government's Quick Win policy, 288 business operators yesterday agreed to reduce the prices of their goods and services covering 151,676 items across the country for three months until Dec 31.
These products are categorised into three groups: food and beverages, including processed food, rice, seasonings and drinks (3,058 items with a maximum discount of 87%); essentials such as electrical appliances, home decoration, tools, medicines and medical supplies (8,290 items with a maximum discount of 80%); and agricultural items (198 items with a maximum discount of 40%).
The service categories are divided into three groups: medical services (140,000 items with a maximum discount of 20%); car maintenance and repair services (123 items with a maximum discount of 50%); and logistics and courier services (seven items with a maximum discount of 69%).
Thai President Foods Plc, producer of Mama instant noodles, said price reductions can be achieved because many parties have cooperated.
For instance, to produce a packet of instant noodles for 7 baht includes costs such as flour, palm oil, electricity, transportation and labour. If the cost of any of these decreases, it could lead to lower product prices.
Learn from listening
- agricultural (adj): of the science or practice of farming - ที่เกี่ยวกับเกษตรกรรม
- appliance: a machine or piece of equipment that you have in your home, for example a washing machine or refrigerator - เครื่องใช้
- beverage: a drink of any type - เครื่องดื่ม
- commerce minister: the minister in charge of the Commerce Ministry - รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงพาณิชย์
- decrease: to become less - ลดลง, น้อยลง
- distributor: a person or company that supplies goods to shops/stores, etc - ผู้ค้าส่ง, ผู้แทนจำหน่าย, ผู้แจกจ่าย
- essentials: basics; things that are necessary - สิ่งจำเป็น
- flour (noun): a fine white or brown powder made from grain, especially wheat, and used in cooking for making bread, cakes, etc. - แป้งทำอาหาร
- goods: things that are produced to be sold; possessions that can be moved - สินค้า, สิ่งของ
- logistics: the practical arrangements that are necessary in order to organise something successfully, especially something involving a lot of people or equipment - การส่งกำลังบำรุง
- manufacturer: a person or company that manufactures a product - ผู้ผลิต
- reduction: the process or result of making something smaller or less in amount, size, importance etc - การลดลง
- service (adj): the part of the economy that creates services rather than objects for sale - ธุรกิจบริการ